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Everything posted by overdraft

  1. Overdraft will be out on sunday, as long as my brother gets back from Florida unscathed!! and leaves all that gusty stuff there!!
  2. sounds good to me ,it will be a nice excuse to escape the cold turkey and pickles!!!
  3. Well you will not be getting any action pictures from Overdraft because there was very little action!!! apart from some nice footwork as we rock and rolled all over the place again when will the wind ever drop?
  4. When will the sun shine and the pesty wind stop blowing/!!!as Paul said we tried plenty of diffrent spots but nothing really exciting apart from Paul getting a soaking up on the bow! sorry mate!I end up with 4 wrass,4,doggies, 1 bass, 1 smoothound,1 pollack, 65 points in total so not bad considering, Thanks Paul for your help and company, your most welcome anytime.Roll on the summer!!!
  5. paul, Is that right that Mark is working? because I was waiting for a call from him with regards to sundays comp as I'm on my own this week because my brother is away, if we are both stuck I have no problems taking Overdraft out and you are most welcome to come aboard, its late now so if you read this, stay in touch tomorrow. kim.
  6. Paul we were at anchor on some numbers given to me by local skipper and as the weather was nice early in the morning we got right on them, we all need that wind to drop for a while so we can get and enjoy the summer!!!
  7. Well got to the ledge nice and early on Sat with some live joeys what a beautiful feeling,did'nt think it could get any better until the line started to whizz off the reel, after a good fight and the first sighting I was desperate to land this beauty,eventually after what seemed like forever I landed my best bass of 9lb, boy was I chuffed,my brother also had a nice 5lb 4oz as well.A bumpy ride home though as the weather changed and as Paul said do those plonkers with sails think they own the sea.!!!
  8. While out this afternoon in the back of the harbour south of Furzy up popped this big black head was it a bucket or something dead,as it slipped beneath the surface and went out of sight , I thought I hav'nt been out all night or even had a pint!!! I rubbed my eyes with disbelief as he popped up to say hello,yes it was a seal and he's swimming around below!!! Sight seeing trips can be arranged!!!
  9. Big old unit that!!!!???Can't say which!!!
  10. I hate cocky kids don't you Bob!!!!
  11. Now listen here you lot we don't do things like that up in the Wareham river!!!! But I might have to venture out and take a peek through the rushes to see whats going on!!!
  12. Well what a day! We headed east to s/bourne rough and never seemed to stop all day blooody knackerd when I got home,still can't wait to get out again,bream,bream and more bream, still nothing as big as those reported by others,great fish Charlie glad everyone had a great day, roll on the weekend !!
  13. Well what a start to the season, rain, wind , a big swell!!! I knew I should have stayed in on Sat night!!! Blue Warrior looks great Adam and as for coming out and getting in on the action so quick even better !! We did manage to get the net wet,I had a nice bass,bream, pout,and starrie back hound with some doggies thrown in as well, although my brother only had pout, shame!! We were also commenting on the size of the Bream for so early in the season what some whoppers still roll on next month and lets hope the weather improves and that the fish are more in abundance ,
  14. Hi Adam, She looks a belter, here's to happy days ahead.
  15. overdraft

    boat theft

    Hi Mark, Sorry to hear about the goings on at cobbs,hope no damage to loyal, only to your nervous system!! Its well known at cobbs that boats get tamperd with, and are even removed and on the cross channel ferry with new I.D. and doc's B.4. they even know there missing so with yours being brand new, it could well have been a target. Did you manage to get out and give the BEAST a blast?
  16. Managed to get out on sat , tried afew marks off of swanage but nothing to shout about only doggies, then came across to b/mth pier tried a few drifts on the wind to see if any sole about nothing doing, very nice in the sunny sheltered spots but freezing in the shady area's!!!! still it was still light at home time which always makes me happy to think of longer days fishing.
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