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Everything posted by overdraft
Martin, I was hoping to fish both but Charlie is now out on Mistress Linda with Phil,and my daughter and boyfriend want a day out fishing so I was hoping to combine the two, but i'll wait and see what tomorrow brings and maybe i'll be requesting a crewing position , kids being what they are..
Martin, can we fish the club comp with a non member on board, or does it have to be a member? cheers, Kim
:blink:Jack, if it ends up costing me a lot of money and the wife finds out, I will need counselling!! and my box re-stuffing!! Kim
I've got the camera at the ready Jack, so come on lets be hav'in you!!! I think this could be the weekend you've been waitinf for. Kim
Thanks for that Mike,do you know where I can get the fluid if req?Kim
I could have drunk the dam pub dry after the weekend I had(nothing new there then I hear you say!)had to have the boat lifted a week after putting it back in, to remove Bunting and strapping snagged around the prop on friday whilst re-fueling at corralls, then when we went to go out at 6am sunday, the shaft flew out of the coupling at the gearbox end, where the snag had jammed the prop it had stipped the shaft by a couple of thou!! We hope we have now solved the problem by replacing the pinch bolts and fixing some grub screws, if not then some shim and a pin will do the trick.
Loads of weed inshore on Sunday, must have been caused by the blow on saturday, and after getting the prop snagged on Fri it was not what I wanted to see!! Kim.
Come on Jack, When will you be appearing!!!! and will you be charging?
Overdraft is an Arvor 18,
Jack & Andy, Never mind!! thats what you call conservation!!!
Good to be back out in the comps again, we headed for the patch and within in minutes were into bream, and for so early in the year they were of a good size, for over an hour we could'nt stop catching, we then off to another mark and took some plaice, pout, pollock and wrassebut could buy a doggie!!! leave those to T.W.!! so not a bad day after all considering its so early in the season,where did all those boats come from? where have they been all winter!!
Bring it on !!! Overdraft will be afloat for the first comp of the year, lets hope the weather holds up for this years competitions. good luck.
Having got an Arvor myself I would'nt hesitate to recommend this boat to anybody else but would say you will require the 75h.p. or more to push it along as the displacement is quite large which is one benifit they have over some of the other models,they now seem to be using V.W.engines as seen at the London show, I do have the new price list in front of me (just dreaming) as an example the new 210 with 100h.p. V.W. turbo with all the toys is
Bob are you sure Rich did'nt spike your tea!! as he seems to be very quite on the subject?
Sorry for the delay just got a new computer and was having trouble logging in! Still here now,not much luck out on the spoils apart from dogs and more dogs, Blue warrior and Slashout steamed out well passed us early on, but always nice to know that someone else you know is out to play! We moved back to the harbour after lunch as we had some worms to use and we needed to re-fuel, went under the bridge and into holes bay for a change pulled in 2 nice flounders 2lb 14oz and a smaller one, a nice end to the day and it was still light when we got back to the mooring at 5pm.
Thanks Martin, Weather permitting we could well on for that one,last year Tim did have an excellent prize table.
Thats brillant news and would not have been possible if all those at the meeting had not agreed, a great jesture by all concerned and only made possible by James winning the comp.I might even get my old Suzuki bike out of the garage for that one!!!! well done all.
Jack hi o thats a different sport!!!
As the boat lift and scrub went pear shape,and the wind actually stayed away we thought it would be rude to stay at home all weekend!!! so off we steam full of hope and expectation even if it was naff tides, but that soon went by the way when all we landed was pout after pout, then dog,dog, bl,,dy dog, thought we had arrived at the kennels!!! had one small conger,but no whiting, the water seems so warm and clear at the moment. Still it was good to hear and see so many club boats out. hope it improves for the open.
Paul, Sorry to be a bit of a jobsworth! but as you know I work for the water company so if there's anything I can do let me know,our company do offer free repairs under certain circumstances, if you've got any probs give me a call. If it gets that bad you and Helen could move into the boat!!!!! regards, kim
Hi Geoff, If its any help to you I insure my Avor through Broadstone Insurance of Dunyeates Road,tel# 696166 its only gone up
Brian, Was that you up the top end of the channel on sat eve? If so we came passed you at about 8.30pm heading into Wareham,we fished a mark further down and drew a blank as well. regards, kim
Thanks Paul, Do you know if it would be suitable for my boat, if so at the right price I would intrested, please keep me posted, thanks ,kim
Help! I've been let down on a lift for my boat, do'es anyone have or know of a trailer that would be available for use, so I could get my Avor home for a week to complete my end of season jobs,I would be willing to make a donation to anyones holiday fund if this is at all possible, please contact me if you can help. Many thanks.Kim