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Everything posted by domino

  1. Due to a combination of factors conspiring against me , I'm hoping to get Domino wet for the first time this year, next Tue. James' pictures of Tope have whetted my apetite and we would like to have a go a catching a couple. Never having fished for Tope out of Poole before, I was hoping some kind soul might like to point us in the right direction... the more specific the better . Any PMs containing numbers would be gratefully received and closely guarded. Anyone else got any plans to get out next Tue? Cheers, Alan
  2. domino

    Alderney -

    Duncan, Most of the flattie fishing was done on the Schoale Bank, to the south of Alderney. The area where we had the bass and I believe Martins big turbot, I think is called the 'south banks'... this was to the east of Alderny, just off the south-east side of the island. Cheers, Alan
  3. Not quite the 'total' catch in the pic... thats only 10 of the 20 we had on Iger Lily, there were another 16 on Cara Cara.
  4. Day 3 report continued...... Dean, complete with 'protective clothing', tucking into Bouillabaise (sp?) at the First and Last restaurant.....
  5. Surfs have transmission fluid coolers fitted as standard.
  6. I've got a '94 3.0l Surf Auto and I think it's an excellent car. As Paul says don't go near the 2.4... lots of head problems. If you go for a Surf (Jap import) as opposed to a 4 Runner (UK version) you will have a job to find a manual, they are nearly all automatic. I bought mine direct from Japan, 12 mths ago, and not had a single problem with it. Check out the forum on the site that Paul linked to above, there are a lot of experienced surf owners post on there. Be wary of the dealer who says that he hand picks his cars in Japan... hardly any do!! Mostly they buy them at the dockside auctions in this country, Southampton, Bristol etc. If you buy from a dealer who claims to imort himself, ask to see the Japanese Auction Sheet... if he hasn't got the original or a copy then he didn't import the car himself. See attached pic. The auction sheet will show the condition of the car when it entered the auction house in Japan and will show the mileage (kms)... strangely this isn't always the same mileage as when they end up on the forecourt over here!!! (This advice applies to Pajeros as well) Most surfs tend to suffer from 'saggy arse syndrome', it seems that the factory fitted rear springs were never quite upto the job. Uprated springs are readily available and you might want to budget for
  7. domino

    Aux Engine

    I also have a 4hp Suzuki gathering dust in the garage if anyones interested.
  8. domino

    DSC Upgrade

    This also assumes that Pete can actually find his 'secret ray mark'!
  9. Now had a quote from Haven Knox Johnston...
  10. I've been waiting to see if the weather forecast was going change before making a decision... If it stays SE F4 then I'll be staying at home! Alan
  11. domino

    Drag Weight?

    I replace the anchor with an old sash window weight... not sure how heavy it is, but it works for me on Domino (Warrior 150). Cheers, Alan
  12. 1. Not sure of exact cost... but quite expensive. Includes parking. 2. Slip free. Not sure about parking. 3. Small slip... really only suitable for dinghies and jet-skis
  13. James, I've been told that we've got a birthday party to go to on Saturday... so weather permitting I will definitely be there Sunday 20th. Alan
  14. James, That would be great if we could meet up. I don't think I'd be able to make the monday... I think I have something else on... oh yes, work!! It's then down to the weather Gods to decide if I go Sat or Sun. It is such a small tide that weekend, we might need a bit of breeze to actually drift anywhere! Cheers, Alan
  15. Unfortunately I can't make Sun 17th Aptil... prior engagement! I am planning to have a look one day next weekend (19/20 March... not sure which day yet). Just need a nice day! Cheers, Alan
  16. I'll just add my two-penneth.... ( and be prepared to be contradicted ) I don't think it'll make much difference how long you make the warp if you do use polypropelene.... it floats! As such all it does is connect you to the anchor... it won't do anything to increase it's holding power. Good luck, Alan
  17. ..... or perhaps snagged on the wreck? The wreckage does extend quite some distance out from the harbour entrance, on the seaward side. Unfortunately I had a prior engagement yesterday , or I would have loved to have brought Domino down and joined you. Cheers, Alan PS: The prior engagement was a poker tournament... which I won... so not all bad news!
  18. doh! You haven't got mine on the list.... Gurnard.... mmmmm food!!
  19. Adam, That is a 'pantograph' wiper, on James' new boat. The arm linkage is such that the blade will remain vertical and wipe right to the edge over the whole of its length. Cheers, Alan
  20. Steve, When I spoke to Paul at the Soton Boat Show, he told me they were... "working on a 21' boat... which would be lanched at the London Show". I guess that's what you saw. Cheers, Alan
  21. nahhhh...... this is a squid....
  22. domino

    Online Weather!!!!

  23. domino

    HH VHF Advice?

    I think I would be inclined to ask the advice of the guy in the shop... pointing out that you will be reviewing it's performance (and theirs ), on the club forum... if you think it is suitable, based on his assurances... buy it. Try it out... if it doesn't perform as he says and you are not happy with it, take it back and ask for your money back. Cheers, Alan
  24. Info on splicing anchorplait here - Jimmy Green Marine Happy New Year Alan
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