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Everything posted by domino

  1. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control ('er indoors has made conflicting plans!!), I will not now be able to make it on Sunday.
  2. Since the good people at WindGuru have radically changed their forecast for the weekend ... I will fish the competition, subject to some good soul volunteering to crew for me on Domino... I will be relying someone with a bit of local knowledge to put us somewhere where we have a chance of catching some qualifying fish! I don't mind whether we fish from Christchurch or Poole. Perhaps someone would also like to carry out the check of my safety equipment as well? Cheers, Alan
  3. With reference to club competition rules... are they on the website anywhere? Were they included with the membership info that Martin sent me (that i can't find at the moment!!! )?
  4. domino

    VHF Radios

    ... and as if by magic... ebay item no 2490462316.
  5. domino

    VHF Radios

    Ah but will it work OK that's the thing? I'll be damned if I will pay three times the price for the same thing with a sticker on it. Mad (but not with me money) Mike From a quick search on the internet I would say that it will work fine... as far I can make out the frequencies for channels 1 - 88 are identical... as you might expect as craft travel the world. What you wont have are the M1 & M2 channels... whatever they're for? Yes, it will work... as for the legality... when does anyone check? I don't think the lifeboat crew will check before rescueing you!!
  6. domino

    VHF Radios

    Mike, I think you will find that all radio transmitting equipment used in the UK has to be type approved and licensed by Ofcom (previously the Radiocommunications Agency) and will require a 'CE' mark/number... obviously visiting boats are exempt from this. VHF radios intended for the US market will not be 'CE' marked. Therefore, strictly speaking, it would be illegal to use it. Cheers, Alan
  7. Adam, It's a plastic tub that I the guy I work with gave me... It had some herbal remedy pills in , that he reckons are for his knees... looked like Bob Martins to me!!! The large skin fitting fits nicely in the lid and is clamped between the fitting and the bongo... lots of 5mm holes drilled in the tub and it clips back into the lid... et voila - one strainer. As for Scooby Doo... well that's another story!! Cheers, Alan Adam... FYI... Another suitable container for making the strainer has just been given to me by a friend... Aquarian Tropical Fish Food (50g), although due to the profile of the lid it might be better to fit the skin fitting thro' the base of the tub and then re-fit the lid. Cheers, Alan
  8. Thanks guys, for the comments re. weather web sites... there are a couple that I hadn't previously found. Duncan... I have to travel nearly as far you... 115 'ish to Poole, 135 'ish to Weymouth... too many times I have towed the boat all the way to Weymouth and then spent the day in Portland Harbour!! ... and I'm sure there are equally as many occasions when I've stayed at home and the forcast wind hasn't turned up!! Still undecided about Sunday... forecast looks OK... but my daughter has has just moved into her new house today and I expect to be called on to put up curtain rails etc.
  9. The 750kg limit for an un-braked trailer is Gross Weight ie. it does include the trailer.
  10. I was hoping to get down to Weymouth with the boat at the weekend... but the forecasts I've seen suggest it may a bit too windy Saturday, but perhaps a little better on Sunday? I was wondering which (if any) of the online weather sites you guys have found to be most accurate and reliable... or do you still rely on a piece of seaweed??? My problem (well one of them!! ), living so far away... is that if the forecast says F5 and I stay away, then I've no idea if they are telling the truth. Cheers, Alan
  11. I will definitely be there... I will have my mate, Dereck (probable new member!), with me.
  12. No, I didnt have to order it... it was sitting on the shelf, next to the pumps. HERE is the bracket with the Rule part no. Rule also do exactly what you're looking for, SEE HERE... but I was unable to find one of these in this country.
  13. domino

    Boat Show

  14. Adam, I got the side mounting bracket from my local chandlery,
  15. domino

    Boat Show

    I went to the boat show today... not so expensive, got a couple of tickets at
  16. Adam, It's a plastic tub that I the guy I work with gave me... It had some herbal remedy pills in , that he reckons are for his knees... looked like Bob Martins to me!!! The large skin fitting fits nicely in the lid and is clamped between the fitting and the bongo... lots of 5mm holes drilled in the tub and it clips back into the lid... et voila - one strainer. As for Scooby Doo... well that's another story!! Cheers, Alan
  17. Beam is the width of the boat at the widest point. Draft is the depth of water you need to avoid bending your prop on the bottom!!
  18. Les, I bought the bongo (and one for Adam), from an outfit called Smiths, in Coleford, Gloucs. I was able to arrange a trip out that way in the works van!!! Mine was a re-cycled one (spotlessly clean tho') for
  19. Thanks for the comments guys... the website is just something I put together in couple of hours yesterday and this morning. Now I've started I'll try and develop it into soemthing worth looking at!! Adam - with regard to the washing-up bowl / bait tray... as I put in the write-up it was
  20. Well I'll give it a go... if someone will point me at a mark where I have a chance of catching a Cod.
  21. I finished fitting my live bait tank yesterday... very similar to the set-up Adam has used. Details and some pics HERE. Just need to get after them Bass now... before the supply of live eels dries up! Cheers, Alan
  22. I was not aware of the Admiralty EasyTide website... I like!!! Tideplotter does have quite a lot of additional features, which I admit I don't use. Since about the only facilities I use are provided by EasyTide, then I don't think I will bother renewing my copy.... Therefore, my offer to purchase cheap copies is 'cordially withdrawn'. Thanks for saving me some money, Adam.
  23. Next years version of this excellent (I think) software is now available, see here. As a 'valued' existing customer, I get a discount on the normal prices... they also offer additional discount on additional copies, ie. x1 @
  24. I'll be there also... I was intending to have a go from Weymouth next w/end, 18th or 19th, depending on the weather. Livebait tank now installed and plumbed in... wiring to be done this w/e, if it stops raining long enough.
  25. I bought my Warrior new but couldn't afford a new engine at the time... Warrior found and fitted me a s/h Evinrude 50, which I ran for 3 yrs without any problems... I only replaced it because I found myself with a spare
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