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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Yes, the bit at the bottom. I think it depends on boat, my engine is 'just' short of the ground if it's in the down position when towing, but will touch ground if it's on the jocket wheel.
  2. I've got a spare disc if you want.
  3. Hard luck Bob, I'm sure you will go and catch a even bigger one.
  4. Did it stay in the up position after the hinge broke? It could well be worse if the outboard crash landed, it will definitely break the rudder.
  5. Any photos....... I have power tilt and trim on mine and I usually jack it up with a 2x1 just to take some stress off the hydralic. Hard luck just chalk it up as another expensive lesson (like the rest of us)
  6. Welcome Hunter, any good catch lately?
  7. Well join the club . It's bloody one of life greatest mystery, (after how to keep a woman happy...... ) why something would work one day and it then refuse to do anything the next. Back to your outboard, when you said no sparks, how bad is it? 1) you turn the key other than a 'click' sound nothing else happens. 2) you turn the key, the starter turns, but the engine won't turn over. If it's 1) I would say, solenoid, worn starter motor (or brushes) or flat battery. If it's 2), fuel not getting there, i.e., fuel pump, blockage or out of date fuel (not likely as you'd only used it the previous day) or you could have just flooded the spark plugs and nothing more.
  8. Newboy

    Outboard Help

    One way to find out is fuel it with a spare fuel tank, if it runs then it's filter/blockage, if not it could be fuel pump or something else.
  9. Newboy

    Outboard Help

    Not sure of your exact problem, does it reach it normal working speed from time to time, or does it only become sticky when you give it 1/2, 3/4, full throttle? If if runs smoothly at low rev, i.e., little throttle, I would bet it's a fuel issue. Have you look for kink in the fuel line, or have you change the inline fuel filter lately.
  10. A couple decide to go for a meal on their anniversary and after some deliberation decide on their local Chinese restaurant. They peruse the menu and finally agree to share the chef's special 'Chicken Surprise '. The waiter brings over the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot. Just as the wife is about to start in on the meal, the lid of the pot rises a tiny amount and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down. 'Good grief, did you see that?' she asks her husband. He hasn't so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and again he! sees two beady little eyes looking around before it firmly slams back down. Rather perturbed he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening and demands an explanation. 'Well sir',! says the waiter, 'What did you order?' 'We both chose the same', he replies, 'the Chicken Surprise' 'Oh I do apologise, this is my fault' says the waiter..... 'I've brought you the Peking duck'
  11. You are on Rich. Flatties in Weymouth, Smoothies in the Solent, Bream anywhere, and ray and bass after that.
  12. You may be able to find a copy of you school photos here. http://www.worldschoolphotographs.com/
  13. Didn't like the sound of it at Boat launch plus Lymington is so good. If I'm even down that way, I might take a look, otherwise I'll stick with Lym.
  14. Maybe we shopuld have a tailaway to Beaulieu.....
  15. Happy Birthday Adam. Just don't use up all your birthday wishes at once.
  16. Rich, how closely in are boats allowed without having to pay the Park estate?
  17. Newboy

    Drag Weight?

    Got myself a couple of brake disc from a mondeo, they look to be heavy enough.
  18. Newboy


    Ooops, silly me....
  19. I think someone once told me the river mouth of bealieu is full of stingray at late spring early summer.
  20. Crouch's Formula V = C/((DISP/HP)**.5) Where V = boat speed in knots (1 knot=1.15 mph) C = Constant (depends on boat type) DISP = Displacement (pounds) Note that boat manufacturers usually give innacurate numbers for displacement, typically on the low side HP = Horsepower available at the propeller You can use this to work out (approx) max speed of your boat.
  21. Newboy


    The time seems to be one hour behind.
  22. Newboy

    bill smith

    Welcome to the forum and enjoy the fishing.
  23. That's the same principle as grit tape. It has grit moulded into the plastic. We use it in the kitchen of our shop. I think they come in 1.5mm and 3mm really good stuff, non slip as long as you don't wear trainers on them when wet, otherwise it can be quite slippery too. Only one major complain from the chefs, they go thru shoes in treble quick time, as it wears the sole down really quick. They are fairly reasonable too, no more than the cost of a good quality carpet. PS. you have to glue it down.
  24. Support your local rip-off merch........
  25. Keep it clean lads.....
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