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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Just to be awkward, what is treadmaster? I fyou only want something that doesn't slip and cheap, have you consider 'grit tape'? They are the grippy black/grey stripe they put on steps to stop people from slipping. They wear quite well too if stuck on clean surface. The come in 50mm x18m roll (about
  2. Happy birthday. 80 year old looking like 40 or 40 yo looking like 80?! ummmmm......
  3. Be careful, she might swap you for the nice fella behind the counter.......
  4. looks deep. Have you any idea what cause the crack in the first place? It doesn't look like a stress or load area, so why did it crack?
  5. I don't think he has anything that size, you best bet is Barry wotsit name on ebay, but 14mm isn't cheap about
  6. Newboy

    Easter joke

    he he......
  7. Don't be so materialistic, there are many things more important than money diamonds,rubies,lands,share,bonds,.......
  8. Can't see very clearly from the picture how bad/deep is it? Use either a knife or a needle from the missus' craftbox to see how deep is it. If it's only a couple of mm, scrap clean with a sharp knife, them fill it with fibre glass and then paint over it with any odd paint. I've had a crack about 12" long on the transome right by the outboard. My mate cleaned it out and filled it up.
  9. I've not been to Kimmeridge before, so Chichester wotsit own the gate and land leading to the slip, do they also own the slipway? Cos if they don't and access has been given to the slip in the past donkey's year, they have to, by law continue to provide access.
  10. Newboy


    Isn't it strange they get very little tide down under. Down at South Australia they have what it's called a dodge tide where there's little movement of water.
  11. I've found anchors and rope at boat jumble to be just as overprize (sometime more so) as chandlery shops. Tak a 5 kg bruce, it's at least
  12. An airline captain was breaking in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city. Upon their arrival, the captain showed the stewardess the best place for airline personnel to eat, shop and stay overnight. The next morning, as the pilot was preparing the crew for the day's route, he noticed the new stewardess was missing. He knew which room she was in at the hotel and called her up wondering what happened. She answered the phone, crying, and said she couldn't get out of her room. "You can't get out of your room?" the captain asked, "Why not?" The stewardess replied: "There are only three doors in here," she sobbed, "one is the bathroom, one is the closet, and one has a sign on it that says 'Do Not Disturb'!"
  13. Heard about the Welsh bloke who cut off his testicles after he jokingly said 'If We beat England, I'll cut off my balls...' I hope Rach has a clean pair of scissors.
  14. It all depends on how much you want to spend on a boat. If you don't mind the hard work, you can pick up a sound boat for a couple of hundred now. A few weeks (or months depending how much time you can spend on it) of hard work, new paint and a few updates and a new boat you have.
  15. Come on Jack, you willhave to lose another one to claim that prize, as Moi also lost 2 anchors in 2 trips......
  16. Newboy

    hi topey

    Not to forget those 100+ ray, near Oban.
  17. Just upgrade your Dad, it's easier......
  18. That's a full charter boat.
  19. The Sun
  20. Keep the cut rope as spare and get a new one with at least 200 metre.
  21. Newboy

    happy birthday

    Happy Birthday
  22. Ain't they all doing the training thingy?
  23. Anyone seen the front page of the Sun? Hope Duncan doesn't see this 'little' fella.....
  24. Newboy


    Last year when I started GB witht he bream, I mixed some GB put them in a 4 litre milk carton, freeze it, and tie it to a house brick (with a nylon rope cleat to the stern) and sink it beneath the boat. This worked really well except when the tide swing, I would have to lift the carton and drop it beneath the boat again. PS using a knife cut a couple of small hole in the carton to let the bait out.
  25. Newboy


    I think mainly for surface feeding fish, where as bream and cod etc are more bottom feeder. To tackle them one would need to get the gb down to the bottom.
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