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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Also when not in peak season, they tend to get fewer drop off per week, so it might be worth asking them wgich day their supplies come in.
  2. Clocky
  3. I think the key waord is 'Illegal to target Great white', so catching one isn't.
  4. Ooops.......
  5. It's measure from the transome to the centre of the prop. Can't remember the exact figure, but I think short shaft is something like 20/21 inch.
  6. Haven't seen one of them for a long time. They are like turbot, swim in a pair, but instead od a male and female, they are a pair of males and are generally known as the "Blues Brothers......"
  7. Newboy

    Bream rig

    I have a similar idea, but it involve a wrecking boom with a weak link via plant tie, a spreader. So essentially it's a 1 up 2 down, each hook decorated with beads
  8. Newboy

    Bream rig

    With all the skippers on chartered boats I'd been in, they all recommend wire boom with a rotten bottom, anything else and they will end up tangled. However, in this month BFM, it suggests the use of what looks like a paternoster flat on the sea bed. So do they both work, depending on areas?
  9. Where do we tie the drag weigh, bow or stern? If it's bow, that means the boat is going backward and wouldn't the line get caught up in the anchor/drag rope? Another question is do you leave your engine running?
  10. Newboy


    Does groundbait have to be frozen? Can it be in dough form, fishy stuff mix with oakmeal/rice/flour/sweetcorn/anything? Use a long piece of PVC pipe with holes drilled in and leaded to the bottom of the seabed with the groundbait pushed in hard, should take a while for it to be washed out, shouldn't it?
  11. Paul, now insure it for
  12. Well, the good old argument between 2 and 4 strokers. In the past, the argument is much more easily understood/debated. Old 2 strokes are thirsty and noisy, while 4 strokes are much quieter and fuel burns better so better economy. 2 strokes are lighter, so more hp per poundage, and servicing has traditionally been cheaper because there is anout a few dozen moving parts compare to the hundreds in a 4 stroke which need re place the oil plus a filter at the least. With the banning of smoke producing i.e., polluting old 2 strokes over the pond in the US, manufacturers had to take note and to bring out new products to adhere to the new CARB regulations. They can do it by either using 4 stroke or Di-direct injection, where the fuel mixture (some use mixture, some use neat fuel) is injected directly into the cylinder. A cleaner burn is achieved and therefore less smoke/pollution. In the clip, it's advertising the Etec engine, which is claimed to be better than any 4 strokes in every sense. No dealer service for the first 300 hours or 3 years, no run in period, using 40% less oil than older 2 strokes, cheaper to run, cheaper to service, better economy, as quiet as any 4 strokes,..... the list goes on. In a recent (2004) magazine test, they pitted the Etec against a Tohatsu TLDi, a Yammy 4 stroke, Honda 4 stroke and one other engine I can't remember. The Etec beat them in fuel economy, it's about as quiet or as noisy as the rest. What gets me is over there they get 7 year warranty while we get 2 (may be 3) here.
  13. http://home.comcast.net/~xcusme/2070.wmv
  14. Newboy

    saturday 19th

    Not sure about plaice, but I'd caught a turbot around dolphin bay (?) south of X'church.
  15. You can fish the bream with very light tackle with the except when there is a fair amount of tide running.
  16. Newboy


  17. Newboy

    Redfinn Advert

    Without knowing what engine he had on the 500, any comparision is meaningless. Don't forget he's now a Yammy 60 4 stroke on the back of his Redfinn. Technologies on outboard engines have advanced a lot in the last 10 years, a 2 stroke outboard of that era will drink a lot more petrol than a modern 2 stroke, so much so, an Evinrude Etec 2 stroke betters most 4 stroke of the same horse power, with the Tohatsu TLDi coming a close second. Nevertheless the Redfinn is designed to to economical. It has incoporated a set of 'trim tabs' 1/2 the length of the boat. It helps the boat to get on the plan faster than most with its massive tabs. I personally quite like the look of the Redfinn, it's 60's bubble futuristic, plasticky look.
  18. Newboy

    Redfinn Advert

    looks like a big hole at the lower jaw, must have been gaffed.
  19. Come on Paul, don't be shy, I'm sure we do it all the time......
  20. Could be interesting.......
  21. Paul, when you apply the grease, hold the male part in the palm of your hand, dip you finger in the grease and put it on each round bar -coaster (?), you move (spin) each coaster so that it's coated all the way round, then you repeat for each coaster. Now do the same for the female part of the bearing. You smear a small amount on the surface of the two part before putting them together. It's a good practice to lay all the parts on a sheet of newspaper, as sand and dirt can easily be picked up when handling the bearings and if they get trapped, a small particle of sand will damage the bearing.
  22. You've a pm, Billy. Thank you.
  23. Rich, if it's ok, can I have 2 of each type and weigh please? I don't have any lead, can I just pay you in cash? Cheers.
  24. Looks good as a matching aux to my mercury.
  25. Here are some pictures The prop is not in the best of condition, a little blunt on the edges.
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