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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. James, if you want the photo larger, after scanning the photo, cut out the white bit using any photo package and use the remaining instead.
  2. Sam ain't wrong how your photos...... got any more?
  3. Excellent fish.
  4. Newboy

    What Was It?

    We saw 1 dolphin (could have been a porposie) last week on Tomcat2 on the ledge.
  5. Well done mate, smoothhound on 20lb trace, not easy
  6. Great fish, wonder hoe long this one will stand now everyone is going over to Alderney?
  7. You don't do thing by half, do you? A brilliant report.
  8. That's a big bream, any photos? Well done Paul.
  9. The turbot bites came in the morning, the 17.5 was caught 8:30, (well the bast*rd rang and woke me up at 8:45am) and the 20+ was after lunch. In between they also caught a few 6/7 ish. They were out on Lady Godiva fishing for bream and bass using sandeels.
  10. Did you try for the turbot today? A 17.5 lb was caught and rumours has it a 23/24 lb was also landed, but that is yet to be confirmed.
  11. Great result on the bot and brill. There's nothing like the feeling of "I told ya there'd be fish" I bet Rob is bored stiff now Electric Blue is sold. Tell him Ken say hi.
  12. Why can't you be like the rest of us contend with catching medium to small fish?!
  13. Personally I blame James and Adam, catching all those big fish thus pushing up the specimen weighs.....
  14. Mark, it only take a few minutes to catch a match winning fish, 4 hours are plenty and the crew doesn't have to be members.
  15. We were anchored. Sounds like a ray now you mentioned it, didn't know rays frequent the ledge, I thought they like sandy bottom. Don't think it's a smut, cos it didn't charge.
  16. Brilliant report. Hard luck not landing a sailfish. Unfortunately weather (specially the bad) and fishing go together. One day, you will catch a sailfish, and many more after that.
  17. It was warm..... on shore.
  18. I was fishing the Ledge on Tuesday and hooked into something which got away. It started off like a bream bite with the rod rattling. On picking up the rod the fish started to take line, but that was no bream, it took line slowly but continuously for a minute having already tightened up the drag twice. I was using light gear, Shimano crucial casting rod plus a conquest 200 with 12lb braid and 12lb f/carbon trace. In the end it spat out the hook and swam away. It wasn't a bass, as it didn't take line quickly like a bass, I was thinking it might be a baby conger but some smart ass onboard reckon it was a trgger, as he'd seen one landed a few years back. The skipper was't sure as he'd never caught a trigger. Any thought?
  19. What do you mean? How dare you think we are such an insensitive bunch? We do n't kick a friend when he's down...... we only trip and kick him when he is up
  20. Day 6 Looked outside from our cabin and the wind is still there (dame). We spend the day hiding from the wind, so was limited to where we could fish. We fish Dave favourite ground where he caught all his 50
  21. Day 5 We knew we couldn
  22. I landed the biggest cod of our group in the whole trip, a 19.5 lb. A personal best for me, so only 3 more fish, namely red fish, halibut and haddock to cross out for my Norwegian experience. Very tired due to all those days fishing and decided to pop out for an hour. Result, hooked into my first haddock, didn
  23. Day 4 A late start at 11:00am. Today
  24. The coalfish tasted the best it melts in the mouths and god was it sweet? The Cod took a long time to do and it was a little dry by the end. The baked wolfie with ginger and onions wrapped in foil was lovely; its flesh is firm, very much like an eel. By the time we finished, it was about midnight so we geared up and went out fishing again. An hour into the trip, I hooked into something big, it took line and it didn
  25. Back at port by 6:00pm, and instead of a normal dinner, Henry and I decided on a BBQ, since there
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