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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. It's not Bravo Tango favourite bass banks, is it?
  2. Newboy

    Bass Haul

    Barring the small one at the top corner, they all look big, the small one looks small, but still looks 1 1/2', way over the minimum 14" limit, unless all the blokes are dwarfs. As Duncan said, 20 fish 5 angler, 4 fish each isn't excessive unless they do this week in week out.
  3. Well done Adam. Reward for all the effect you put in.
  4. What does a South 26 look like?
  5. Is he giving up on chartering? Been told he's a pretty hot skipper.
  6. Newboy

    Live Bait Tank

    It's also for sale in ebay
  7. Newboy

    Live Bait Tank

    Sorry didn't look at any ff, as I wasn't in the market for one. There are lots and judging by some of the other chandleries bits and bobs the price should be good. I bought other boat's stuff at cheaper than boat jumbles prices. I did see a feet peddling kayat not sure how fast it can go tho.
  8. Newboy

    Live Bait Tank

    Found it. At the boat show, there's a guy who sell it. It's a pipe about 5' long with a one way value on one side. Same principle as Wedger said, it draws water upward or in your case it stops water from draining away. Not sure how water tight, but he pulled it out of the bucket and it show very little drips. The thick hose (bilge pump hose size) is
  9. Just got back from the show. It's ok, nothing special, I felt it's geared for the big stuff. I looked around the cheetah cat too, nice boat but at
  10. Too late I'm off to the boat show tomorrow.
  11. Newboy


    There are a couple of pot on the bridge and twice I have seen it hauled up with crabs/lobsters in them.
  12. Opps......
  13. What hatch are you refering to?
  14. Newboy

    Live Bait Tank

    I take it the anti siphon thing is for the blue pipe? If it is the case, all you need is to (drill a hole and) tie a piece of string to it at the lower end and pull it up and tied it off above the water level.
  15. Newboy

    Live Bait Tank

    What is the bottom right hand black hole?
  16. Newboy

    New Engine

    Congrat on your new engine, wishing you all the success with it in the coming season
  17. I have a fishing pass this Sunday and with Sweet Honey still topless, anyone needs crew anywhere let me know.
  18. Newboy

    Smoothy Formula

    The american signate (?) crayfish carries a diease which is fatal to our own native crayfish. Furthermore they also eat out native one as well as eating anything they can get their claws on, so they poses a danger in our eco system. An mature crayfish has very few nature enemy/predators but the junvnile fish are a great food source for chubb and other course fish, and it is believed that is the real reason why some chubb in certain areas have grown very fat because of the high protein in them..
  19. I'll probably go down there on Tuesday. See if any boat takes my fancy..... I quite fancy one of those small cat.
  20. Is it worth a visit for the small boats? Is there plenty of parking?
  21. I will be doing it in my shop kitchen, the gas range is so powerful, it makes the wok red in under a minute. Also, the extractor will be very useful to take out the fume. How long does it take for the weigh to set?
  22. Welcome Chris. It's nice to exchange any fishing tales, good and bad.....
  23. Is it a specimen weigh comp? If it is, what happen if we catch something that isn't listed in the wessex specimen chart?
  24. When you say thru hull, is it glassed in to the hull or you actually fix it thru the hull (never seen that done before)? If it is glassed in, as fibre glass isn't a good heat conductor, the temp gauge won't be accurate, however, can never imagine why would a thomometer with a few degree out matter, unless you are gonna dive in......
  25. More than likely your tranducer would have a temperature function, if you use thru hull, the temp thingy won't work. Also, when the time for a new tranducer, you have to fibre glass in another one, while on transome, all you do is run the cable thru and screw it back down using the same fixing holes.
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