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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy


    You've got it in one, not on specimen sheet, and it won't count, Charlie confirmed it a few weeks back.
  2. I think they caught a cod too.
  3. Went bassing with Pat today (again). After didn't catch any fish on Sunday and losing most of my weighs and storm shads. Lots of boats out on the ledge and the race, altogether about 20+ bass landed between 6 anglers, I only landed 1 of about 3 1/2 lb, most other caught 4-6 with the largest about 6 lbs. I caught the only cod 8 1/2 lb and pollock 2 1/2 today, both taken on the very last few feet of the drift (furtherest away from shore) in the afternoon, it was bl00dy fun on a light bass rod with a Okuma fixed spool loaded with 12lb lines. This outfit is becoming my favourite, caught my pb bream on it and today, bass, pollock and my first cod in over 2 yrs. We stopped on way back drifting the hood for squids, caught 2 in 2 drifts ( I didn't get any), weirdest looking thing, I thought squids are white, but in fact they are pink and squeals when you take them out of water. Also landed a cuttle fish.
  4. Been out a few times in the past 4 weeks, haven't seen anyone landed a whiting let alone a cod (I did catch a cod in Weymouth today).
  5. I was out on the race today with Cara Cara, I personally didn't do too well, just 1 bass about 3 1/2, a cod 8lb 1/2 and a pollock 2 1/2 lb. Didn't see your boat, but then again there was lots of boats about. I lost most of my lead there on Sunday, today I'm prepared and lost only 3 . P.S if anyone ever go on Pat's boat, ask him to show you the photo of one of his angle with a 6/0 hook thru his tongue.....
  6. I won't even mention what a day I had. Everyone around you were landing bass after bass, all I seemed to be doing was sitting down rigging up after losing the last lot...... Dean, was there any carrots?
  7. Tom if yu do a search on Alderney ring, there are some posts on this subject, very well discussed. It's easy and effectless. Some smaller chartered boats use this system so I can't see why you can't with your boat. If you have no access to your bow, them you might want to use the Alderney ring with a lazy line.
  8. I thought Bob F got a bigger eel last week..... I must have been dreaming.... sorry it was Bob who was ....
  9. Newboy

    Massive Bass

    There's a better picture at the Solent site. Solent Forum It looks well blotted.
  10. The wind is so unpredictable, the forecast changed from bad to good and then good to bad, and now back again.
  11. Newboy

    Massive Bass

    I read it was caught near St Malo. Difficult to tell how large it is at this angle.
  12. My weekend is gettting from bad to worse One trip cancelled and the replacement found ain't promising either.
  13. As long as all law breakers are targeted and not only those of this country .
  14. Get a Fladen 6' tele rod, they are great, only has 4 rings, but great action and reasonably cheap. I use it for bream with a fixed spool when there isn't much tide, 6 oz lead is about max, landed breams upto 2 1/2 ibs.
  15. I've been keeping an eye on the forecast in the last few days, unfortunately, there seem to be no pattern, forecast changes day by day. Just wanna know one way or another
  16. I have a 9' freshwater rod I used when I was a lad for small perch, chubb, ..... really soft curve, absolutely no backbone whatsoever You can have it for nothing, as it's only collecting dust in the garage.
  17. Newboy


    I will try to get him to come up next wed/thurs, I'm off to Oban on Sunday and will be back on Tues eve. How many do you want again?
  18. Don't you need a licence to use a boat in rivers?
  19. Newboy


    Forget the boatname one, this is the company I've used both for Sweet Honey and vinyl lettering for my shop, a lot cheaper than most companies I have quotes from Vinyl Lettering
  20. Newboy

    Peeler Crab

    Not sure if it's the correct way, I remove the last pair of leg, put large hook thru one hole and out of the other.
  21. sounds painful......
  22. Rich for serious gaming, you will need more than 32 meg, a lot more. On the +ve note, you can just add one on no prob.
  23. Newboy


    I can get 50% discount from Orvis in Stockbridge, I'll ask her to get me one.
  24. Isn't that what the divers are for?
  25. Newboy


    Try www.boatnames.co.uk
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