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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Please can anyone tell me the tides on Sunday the 18th around Freshwater bay. Thanks in advance.
  2. Why don't you have both anchors? Bruce for general ground and Fisherman or the fortress or even a folding grapnel for shingles. I used a grapnel as spare and used to have a fortress and have found it to be good on loose ground (spade-like so dig in really well) like the solent but totally useless if there are any rocks about.
  3. Forgot to say we found cuttle fish a real problem today, they must have killed over half of our livebait, we reeled in the bait only to find it minus half their head or a big chuck missing from their backs. Even shads or storm eels fared no better, I lost 2 eels and 2 storm mackeral.
  4. Yes it was rough out there today, force 3 my a*se. It must have been a force 5 at one point just before lunch.
  5. Welcome, have lots of fun and enjoy yourself.
  6. We found mackeral was very hard to come be further out. The condition was very back early on, before settling down after lunch.
  7. Got to Poole Quay at 6:30am and saw 2 ways tied up on the quayside, with plenty of beer cans and an empty champ bottle plus lots of flags and deco, must have had a good night . John informed us that sharks are off the menu as it would be too windy for sharking as the crashing waves would have disperse the snick all too quickly. We decided to go bassing in freswater bay instead, the condition was bad, wind against tide and boat was going side to side, 2 people threw up enroute . Nothing in the first mark and we moved 5 miles out and fished another mark, still nothing other than a few tope, fun on lightish gear. Mr bass decided to make an entrance not long after 2:00. No fast and furious but steady eddie. The largest was a shade under 10lb. We stayed out till nearly 6:00 way pass our time, he was happy to stay as long as the fish was feeding. We only came back because flashes of lightning were started to show. Top bloke. Last drift of the day, a slight twitch on the rod, another twitch, and the line went slack.... wound it in and lost everything. Apparently Mr tope was very hungary ate my mackeral plus the weight..... PS, John is quiting Poole after Nov, he's going back to Scotland for common skate.
  8. I use a 5kg on Sweet Honey (over 20'). I've found she will drag in the Solent (mostlt gravel and shingles) if the tide is fiece. Otherwise I have no problems with it other than I keep losing them. However, I would think chain should be a lot heavier than mentiuoned. It should be at least the length of the boat, so 165 should have 16' at the minimum, heavier a\nd it would help to set the anchor better.
  9. Newboy


    Just been told 10 bass were taken in the Solent, somewhere not far from Scorne Point/buoy (he wouldn't tell me where it was) using surface popper lures.
  10. To replace the cracked windscreen I had to take the roof off before I can slide the whole front panel off. GPS, Plotter, VHF ariels, plus, horn, rod holder, lights, everything came off, I'm dreading the refit........ My next boat will definitely NOT be a pilot house.
  11. You sure she isn't 18..... again?
  12. Thx Martin
  13. open early this Sunday? Need to pick up a few things before we set off.
  14. They been catching codling down chesil in the last 2-3 weeks.
  15. Maybe I should convert it to a bimini top while I'm at it.....
  16. The most difficult part would be the frame which you can build fairly easily with alu or s/s tubes. Then if you work out the measurement, any seamstress would make the cover out of waterproof material.
  17. Thanks, must try that when I get a big eel..... P.S when you said under the chin, do you mean the 2 holes where we usually stick our thumb in to lift the fish for photos>?
  18. Just wondering, how do you get a big conger into the boat for photos? The leader isn't usually strong enough to lift over and net is usually npot used as it 'slime' it up. Most of the skippers won't take them in, they choose to t bar it over the gunnel.
  19. Newboy

    Boat Insurance

    I'm with HKJ too.
  20. Just got my renewal from Porthcawl, they upped it to
  21. Yes, a supressor.... Gordon have you try wiring the gps to a seperate power source? If the interferece is still there, then it means the interferece is from the signal and not feedback on the power.
  22. I'm kind of getting used to getting on a boat rather than skippering a boat, no launch, no retrieve and no wash down afterward, just pay the man and 'ciao'..... If the weather holds this Sunday, we are defo out sharking in Poole, don't know the name of the boat, but apparently they knew him when he was doing common skate up in Scotland. After that we are going to a 3 days fishing trip over to france (and some duty free) on the 12th.
  23. Should have try the cuttle, it's more dog and pout resistance.
  24. How about one of those compresser you get from Halfords? Would it helps or not? Yesterday, the skipper had the criket on and everytime he used the radio, the cricket disappeared, guess it's something along the line?
  25. There was a problem with the pre-arraged trip at Weymouth so a quick rearranged trip was found at Brighton. LW was at around 11:30. We stayed at a wreck, about 12 miles out anchored, the whole day. We had a cod of 16 lb, a pollock of 15lb, congers to about 60-65lbs, and breams to 4lbs. My largest conger was about 45lbs, caught on a 20lb set up. I was a little slow as I couldn't gain any line with my Okuma TL30 (must get something a little larger...) and the eel wrapped itself round something and it took the skipper Bill, to get it to unwrapped itself. It then took me a futher 5 mins to bring the fish to the boat. Most of the eels caught today at 30+. The day was lovely, nice weather and hardly any wind. Sea was like a mirror at slack water.
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