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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    Cobbs Quay

  2. We was drifting a wreck about 16 miles south of Portland Bill. Not sure if I use them correctly or not, I just leave the dame thing down there (bumping on the bottom) and let the fish do the work. 2 other ling was also boarded, one at about 15 and the other about 8, both spilled their guts cos they were deeply hooked, my hook was nicely on the corner of it's mouth. What I have found out about the pouts, they prefer the beads, all the other guys were catching pouts, but my scratching trace (thanks Billy) which is full of beads and queins, works so well, as soon as it hit the bottom, within 1 minutes (mostlt within 20 seconds) I caught countless pairs using the rig.
  3. I bought a selection of different sizes few weeks ago, tried them out today, had pouts (stopped counting after 20), a 10lb ling and even mackerals. For the ling I used a 6/0 with a mackeral head, it sits so pretty on the hook and all fish hooked themselves (although, pouts do anyway). They are of the wire type, so rag is good on them too. I bought 50 each of the size, so if you want a try let me know, I will send you a couple to try out.
  4. I've an old girlfriend I haven't seen for years, does he want to trade.....
  5. Anyone want to come, let me know. I'm going fishing this Sunday regardless.
  6. Following Martin's regrets, I invested in a Navman 5600 colour plotter, it's brilliant, easy to read in any condition. I got mine from the US, at the same time I bought a c-map and a fuel usage metre total costing under
  7. I'm up for an evening session if Rich is up to it. Rich, log in and read your PM.
  8. I can see a handbrake handle, so I'd say that's a braked trailer. I see you have strapped it down with 2 straps but both at the front of the boat, is it secure?
  9. So does all slipways' fee include the harbour due or not?
  10. Out from Lymington, anyone wants to join me? Don't worry if you're just starting, I'm crap anyway.
  11. The specimen weigh for spotted is 5 lb, if it is 15lb, it's a new record by a long way.
  12. Also check what postion your boat will be in, what sort of access, relating to tide is it available? I was once offered a mud bank in SOuthampton, it dries out at low tide so access is restricted to 1/4 up. Also I wasn't very keen on the boat sitting on a plate of mud twice a day, plus anyone can walk to the boat at lowish water.
  13. It'd be fine, we can sort out the finance bit later. Cheers.
  14. All I can say is if you know anyone going to the US, ask them to get them for you, plotter, ff, c-map/blue chart are all alot cheaper across the pond, a little bit cheaper once tax and duty is paid, but I've heard you can get quite a bit back without paying any tax.
  15. Mike, I just need the one as I only have 2 on the boat and would need the third one, once my friends (friends? what friends? ) sorts out his divorce and bits and bobs. You are welcome to the other one tho, I said I would take both cos I want to take them off Mark's hand.
  16. No, it was Owen's birthday party yesterday I don't think the missus would have forgiven me if I choose fishing over the party.
  17. Easy, get yourself a battered old laptop, and store all fish ID on it....
  18. Newboy

    Cobbs Quay

    In Lymington, You can park on the road 2 blocks away. Less than 5 mins walk.
  19. Small eyed?
  20. Anyone going out today, fancy a trip, not bother what it is, just wanna tack along. Also crew needed.
  21. I'll take both. Thanks
  22. Not what I was looking for, thank you.
  23. I'll take that off you but can't pick them up till later. Let me know your address and I'll send you a cheque.
  24. Did you get out today? How did it go?
  25. Newboy

    Cobbs Quay

    To the right it dries out but as long as you keep to the channel, you haven't any problems. One thing, I would check their time of opening tho, Cobbs' 24 hrs, not sure about Davies.
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