Ben and I met at the boat at 0730
setting off out as the Sun sneaked through under the clouds, it was cold but not as bad as recent weather.
The sea state was lovely
We picked a spot and anchored up for the last of the flooding tide.
Whiting were plentiful but a little smaller than recent trips. and bigger baits were attracting a lot of congers.
Ben cooked us up some great sausage baps washed down with hot coffee, then we had a short move.
At last a better fish was hooked up and giving a good account of itself in the now quite strong ebb tide.
Ben who had been knackered all day struggled a bit with this one. But it was worth it for a very nice 16lb 8 Blonde.
As the tide eased a few dogfish and a lot more whiting and congers joined the fun.
1530 I took pity on Ben who was suffering from no sleep on Saturday night, we pulled the anchor to run in and clean down in daylight.
Not a bad trip for early in the year, we only took 8 keepers.