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Everything posted by AHoy

  1. Thanks Martin and Brian. I still have the Rag 'n Stick boat to fish from in a gentlemanly manner
  2. Unfortunatley (for me) my single-handed small boat launch and retrieve approach to angling has not worked out well, so I have decided to sell my Explorer Elite. The boat was re-engined last year with new Yamaha engines, a 70hp main and 6hp LS auxiliary, both with minimal hours and under warranty. In addition the helm and steering cables were renewed and new (dual) batteries fitted along with a partial rewire. Equipment includes dual fuel tanks, a Garmin 550S plotter/fish finder, VHF DSC radio, nav lights, anchor, warps, fenders etc. Also included is a Rollercoaster trailer. I have the boat on brokerage with BHG Marine at Lymington at a price of £11,995, it is available for viewing in their yard. Offers considered. Full details here: http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/Fishing-Boats-for-sale/explorer-elite-2015-yamaha-f70-and-yamaha-f6/135063 If you require further details then give me a call on 07818 418218. Alan.
  3. An overdue update on the Explorer Elite. Now rewired and re-engined with Yamaha main and auxiliary, the (much) lower weight of the Yam won over the Suzuki alternative, plus I got an acceptable px on the old motor which none of the Suzuki dealers would offer. The aux can run from the main fuel tanks as well as the built in one. Do like the freshwater flush connection on the big motor. Will give a further update on performance and economy when the engine has done a few more hours. I have just opted to keep the boat afloat (in Lymington for now) as regular trailer launching hasn't worked out for me. If any experienced hands fancy a trip out I could do with more than a few tips on the angling aspect! Alan.
  4. I told her we should have parked up around the corner. now I suppose you want me to help you out with this crack! (To avoid any misunderstanding, we are all thinking welding here aren't we?)
  5. Correct Rob, no brakes when purchased so no surprise, I refused to tow it and had the seller deliver it. Other than the back plates, axles and bearings everything has been renewed including (stainless) cables. Flush kit and bearing savers fitted, I intend to use them. From experience, brakes always left off on stored vehicles and in freezing conditions. Hope this still works out as worthwhile! Dreaming of being afloat with an uptogether boat, sun shining on calm seas and fish coming aboard Alan.
  6. Not got the Explorer afloat yet but making progress. Trailer brakes in even worse state than I allowed for, needed a gas torch to disassemble parts of them (didn't raise the air temp much though!) The previous owner was happy to drive around with brakes like this Trailer roadworthy again now, aux engine (Suzuki LS) sorted, "just" some electrics to tidy up and steering to service now. Checked out the Mudeford and Christchurch launch sites but based on the report from Mal I won't be using those, so Keyhaven, Lymington or Cobbs for a novice launch next week all being well.
  7. Brian, Very helpful pictures, thanks. That looks the latest set-up from warrior, now a bit unsure why Paul was saying a short shaft would be ok when I was considering a boat from them. Nearly placed an order a couple of weeks ago but several uncertaintities on my part. BTW, why are your props looking pristine, I thought they had to be be gravel honed to show serious fishing effort Do you use an engine support when trailing or just let the hydraulics take the load when tilted? Assume the warrior transom is rated for the load without any engine support from the trailer.
  8. Thanks Rob, Stuie. I felt a 5kg anchor would be adequate but had the 7.kg with rode from the days with the QS640 and MF805. I think the weight saving and easier use outweighs the cost of getting a new anchor and rode, so a bit more spending. Dave, Agree the Delta is a decent anchor, I have one on my rag-'n-stick boat, but a bit pricy for snagging and leaving on the sea bed when fishing. The Danforth is handy as a kedge/reserve anchor as it stows away well and gives an option for the gloopy mud spots so worth keeping aboard. Alan.
  9. Another question for 165 types. I have searched on here and WSF but not got a concensus on auxiliary engine short v. long shaft choice. I know that bracket height/adjustability needs to be considered but assuming a "typical" set-up. Recently, when I was talking over specs and options with Warrior they recommended a short shaft as the best compromise, well clear of the water when under main power but still dropping low enough for good propulsion in slight seas (if conditions are worse then it is anchor/tow time). Also a short shaft makes a good dinghy/tender motor. I have an option on a 5hp short shaft Honda, their models have larger transom height recommendations than others, so their short shaft is mid-way between short and long on say a Suzuki. Alan.
  10. What anchor size are other owners of 165 size boats finding suitable for fishing use (Alderney ring retrieval)? I have a Bruce pattern 7.5kg anchor with 8m of 8mm chain and 100m of 12mm nylon warp in my "stock" from earlier boat ownership, thinking this should not be OTT for the Explorer 165. Would get to be a bit of a strain on the ageing back for standard anchoring though, but also have a smaller Danforth type with the boat I can use where appropriate. Alan.
  11. Jim The trailer is a Hallmark/Indespension 1100kg model, it has a hub flushing kit fitted, not sure how regularly it was used though! Bearing savers also fitted. Thanks for the offer of the potions but I have a fair selection already. First job has been to get new wheel rims and tyres, the fitted rims are not much more than ferrous oxide with a skin of hammerite and not holding pressure. Why do people neglect basic safety aspects like this? Overrun hitch and brake mechanism next on list. Thanks all for the encouragement. When is it the fish start leaping on the hooks again? Alan.
  12. Thanks again for all the advice, as a new-to-trailer-boating type it has helped clear some of the confusion. I have a learning curve to climb and also need to ensure I will enjoy using a day boat enough to justify having it, which has given me difficulty balancing boat usability, initial cost and reliability. The result is I now have an Explorer Elite 165, with Mercury 60hp efi 4s motor, sitting on an Indespension trailer on the drive. All a bit neglected but ready to "trail and sail" once I have done some basic maintenance, got an auxiliary engine and added a boarding step/ladder. The boat will be named "Marsel" in keeping with my previous two fishing boats. Be nice to get the "personalised" club pennant out of storage and flying again. I might look to buddy up with another boat the first time I go out any distance, if anyone is willing. Must get some chest waders! If my fishing is as bad as always the family reckon the boat will be fine for them, it should tow a toy nicely
  13. Bit of quick feedback wanted if possible, local boat to make a decision on! Explorer Elite 165 2008, 60hp Honda 4s, on a trailer that needs a bit of work (bearings, brakes) no service histories. Looks to be an equivalent to the Warrior 165, maybe not as good for resale value. Any concerns as a sea boat? Any ideas as to value? (PM me if you prefer on that) T.I.A. Alan.
  14. Thanks Dave. I did find that thread earlier which helped put the Pirate 18 on the list, just looking for any extra comments over the past four years of use, reckon no news means no bad news in this case. The test report on the link seems to have disappeared from the website but I have spoken to Jason at Pirate Boats.
  15. Any opinions on a Pirate 18 cuddy? It looks a contender on weight and size but I don't now how they compare to say a Warrior 165 for sea keeping and as a fishing platform. Alan.
  16. Thanks all for the feedback and welcome. Having done a lot more measuring and checking of specifications the 175 on trailer is just a bit too wide to fit down the side of my house and just on the towing limit for my current car. It means I would have to use permanent storage/berthing with no chance to cut costs by keeping it at home if (when) the budget gets tighter. Now looking at storage options and considering boats with slightly less beam (a cm or two less and it would fit past the pinch point). Alan.
  17. Rob, As I am a bit tight for storage space at home stack would be favourite with the right location/price, pontoon as second option. If I can get a deal including trailer then that might open up other storage/launch choices. I live live near New Milton so could go east or west for storage but reckon on fishing mainly west of the Needles. Reckon the new Bramble Bank feature will be a great mark once established! Jim, I still have a proper rag & stick powered boat but downsized to a 23 foot gaffer, it is offshore capable so gets me about (got to Den Helder in the Netherlands and back ok last year). Not exactly quick for getting to marks or set up for fishing though! I plan on running that and an angling boat as long as health and finances allow. I haven't looked at a 175 yet so not got a feel for size v. a 165. I don't reckon on doing much (if any) trailer launching but will look again at the size implications. The extra size and capability would be good when using it as a family day boat though.
  18. Hi all, I have been "away" for some time but now looking for a small angling boat to get going with once again. I will probably go with a dayboat rather than full pilothouse and the Warrior 175 is favourite at the moment. Any comments welcome re. choice of boat or alternatives. Hope to get to one of the meetings soon and catch up with them that recall me. Alan.
  19. Must have been you I saw then, commented to crew that you seemed to be having some success. We were anchored off Chewton Bunny midday/early afternoon (not fishing). Didn't think to give you a call on CH6. Alan.
  20. Thanks Charlie, just what I needed, made I larf out loud.
  21. PM sent Graham.
  22. Yours it is Graham. I will PM you about delivery/collection as I pass through your area at weekends.
  23. My ICEY-TEK 56l cool box is too big for the cockpit of my rag & stick boat and I need the garage space it is taking up, so it is for sale. Very little use, mainly just had ice inside as I don't catch many fish! Price
  24. CQ Berth Holders received an email a week or more ago detailing the closures. I would have expected more conspicuous notices at the marina though. It registered with me as I was planning a trip to Cobbs.
  25. Unfortunately for you that is still the rule Alan Martin Got me confudled now Martin Does that mean I am unfortunate because my boat is too long so any catches from onboard don't qualify, or is it because my boat is below the length limit therefore I have no excuse and need to catch/record some fish For the record Navy Blues is comfortably below the limit at 9.5m (31 ft) (A bit smaller than the other club galleon) Getting tempted to enter the comp now if I can be certain of being in club waters long enough to get a line over the side ...
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