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Everything posted by AHoy

  1. Enjoyable cruise report Mike and good raggie skippering (only to be expected though ) Sounds like you also got in amongst the fish more than a lot of us.
  2. AHoy

    comp report

    Thanks to those that encouraged me to fish the comp, unfortunately I have to report that my competitive/angling skills haven't improved from last time - nothing caught worth reporting. But, thanks to crew member Rich being on form we had mackerel on the hook at the first drop (superb skippering also a factor of course ) and the first cod to be landed on Marsel 2. I will follow the traditional fishing report and talk about the one(s) that got away, must have been e_e_enormous as my tackle got wrecked twice. If pushed, I may admit to not remaking a suspect knot on a swivel before the first break, and on the second failure the braid broke when I locked up the reel clutch (well I was nearly out of line) and ended up dumped on my arse in the cockpit Score at half time: COD 2, AHoy 0. Now, I had quite a few hook-ups with what felt like reasonable sized cod but managed to loose them all on the retrieve. I suspect too small a hook size was a factor, but my technique for hooking and landing cod must be lacking. The "winch 'em in" guys must get kamikazee fish or have significantly different gear. All advice welcome at the next club night I can get to. Alan.
  3. "Team Novice" signing on: Rich Stephens and Alan Hocking on Marsel 2.
  4. Thanks all for the replies, unfortunately not enough time to take you up on the offer of a trip out Pete. Anyway, after some grafting, anodes replaced, boat cleaned, antifouled and back in the water ready for some fishing trips. Prop so shiny it should act as a lure Excellent summer weather for the work as well, torrential rain and 30mph winds most of the time I was able to work on the boat It looks like a galvanic isolator will be a good buy for Cobbs Quay berthing, should pay for itself within a season or so on reduced anode costs. Alan.
  5. I have Marsel 2 out of the water for a spruce-up and some maintenance and no surprise, the anodes are doing an early vanishing act. Any recommendations for a local supplier of good quality anodes at competitive prices? ditto for International antifoul. Alan.
  6. AHoy


    On one of my trips to Norway I travelled via the Newcastle-Bergen ferry as it was the best compromise for time and amount of kit. Not sure what is available now but it is worth shopping around for price as I got the trip cheaper via a Swedish ferry line than booking direct
  7. I hope to join the Weymouth "event" for a day visit on Sunday, leaving on Marsel 2 from Poole (Cobbs Quay) and joining the fleet wherever the action is. Probably returning back to Poole on Sunday evening but with the option of overnighting at Weymouth and returning Monday morning. May be room for 1 or 2 crew if I do go, so if interested drop me a PM or text/call 07eight18-four18-two18. Any other boats going on Sunday? Alan.
  8. AHoy

    Battery Problems

    Neal, I will be at Cobbs Quay on Sunday and can have a look at your boat electrics then if it hasn't been resolved. PM me with your phone number and I will check back with you. Alan.
  9. Datatag has a good record as a deterrent and also for recovery. Most of my motorcycles have been Datatagged and I have found them good on the admin side. In addition I believe all police forces have the relevant scanners as do most of the port departure points. A good option for boats in general and trailer boats in particular. Did your insurance company give any allowance for having Datatag?
  10. AHoy

    cool boxes

    I have to endorse the Icy-Tek recommendation. My 57 litre "long" ice box still had most of the ice left and all the frozen water bottles still solid after the Alderney 4 day round trip. Mind you it didn't get opened much to put any fish in :>( Prompt service from the suppliers a swell.
  11. AHoy


    Mike, I don't need to purchase such a buoyancy aid but your sales pitch gave me a laugh. My dog votes a midget has it BTW. Alan.
  12. Adam, Just had a good look at the "Aquarium Project" site, excellent reference for the likes of me. Just need to get online access offshore now . Alan.
  13. Adam, Thanks for the ID correction, I wasn't certain from the details in my limited reference book and was going by the spines on the tail and wings: The URL you gave is a much better reference than my book. Either way (ray?) it is still a first for me and the boat, but I had better get the detail right for Mr Recorder.
  14. Despite my rubbish track record at finding marks and catching fish Rich Stephens offered to crew for me on Saturday and we made a relatively leisurely start leaving Cobbs Quay for the 9:30 bridge lift. We had time for a brief chat with the crew of Frisky Fox while holding for the bridge and had a bit of inspiration passed across as well. Good to see you out on the water Mike. We didn't have a specific plan, other than to avoid the crowds (as much as possible on a fine Saturday) and try a couple of closer marks first before going further afield if necessary. A couple of early drifts for mackerel drew a blank so for bait we decided to fall back on the squid, rag and "mature" mackie that Rich had brought along. In addition I had a pack of prawns salvaged from the domestic "past sell-by-date" stock. A couple of drifts across our first chosen mark provided some action so as the tide turned we anchored for the mark intending to have a quiet lunch until the flow picked up. This was not to be and lunch was interspersed with a busy three hours or so of fishing activity - quite a novelty for me We were each using a light weight rod and a medium weight rod, in my case 6-12lb and 12-20lb Shimano Speedmasters. We had our own variants of basic rigs, with Rich using significantly shorter traces than me. We had a a good take of Bream (20+) with Rich catching more frequently on the shorter rigs but my longer rigs catching the larger fish but less frequently - bit of a lesson in that for us . Rich switched across to the mackerel bait and was "rewarded" by a few Dogfish. I also managed to land a large rock (stone variety) of a few pounds which was well hooked . I thought I had snagged another large rock when the 12-20lb rod took on a serious bend and stayed well bent during the retrieve, however, after a bit of effort I was rewarded with a new species catch for me, a (Thornback, correction) Undulate ray of 10lb 12oz . All fish were returned other than a couple of larger Bream each for the table. BTW, not another boat on the mark with us all day, so we managed to avoid the crowds as well. Not a bad days fishing and good company as well. Thanks for crewing Rich. Poor pose by me with new species/PB.
  15. Neal, I work on an average of 1.6 litres per NM for cruising and working on the marks. This increases to 2+ litres per NM running near WOT. Should be similar for your boat, maybe slightly less. Average for the trip worked out at 2.1 litres per Nm and 23 litres per hour. Punching the sea going over and four runs through the Swinge (not all at favourable times) didn't do any favours for the fuel consumption! About on target for the conditions/speeds though. No big load of fish to weigh us down on the return trip though Fuel at the Braye price of 78p/l was a bit steep, made the 67p/l at CQ seem welcome on return. Probably a different picture come November though.
  16. Can someone tell me where Greenslades are located (getting more than one location on my searches) and what the general arrangements are for getting ice from them. I can then give them a call. Ta.
  17. Neal, I work on an average of 1.6 litres per NM for cruising and working on the marks. This increases to 2+ litres per NM running near WOT. Should be similar for your boat, maybe slightly less.
  18. What arrangements do we have to make for moorings in Alderney - book ahead, call on arrival? Are we doing a "group booking"? The Alderney website doesn't seem to have details or charges (that I can find). Are special requirements catered for e.g. clean buoy, no swell, no wash, good view, short row ashore, no noisy neighbours ..., rafting only allowed alongside crews of "boating babes" etc.
  19. Can anyone suggest a source of bulk ice in the Blandford or Hamworthy areas so that I can top my icebox up on the way to the boat on Friday?
  20. Thanks Duncan, nice little master class for me. I might even manage to put some of the suggestions into practice over the coming weekend It would be good to move up one level on the competence level
  21. Alderney novice question coming up, no idea on the marks/species so - should I take the uptider with me? A.
  22. Can someone PM me the marks and waypoints we plan on using as a group so that I can load them into my plotter in comfort (and with less risk of mistakes). You can include the extra special secret marks as well if you want Cheers. Alan.
  23. Work commitments cleared and FPO sanction obtained so I am able to make the trip with Marsel 2 Space available for one or possibly two crew, preferably someone with angling skills and local knowledge to make up for my lack of both. Alternatively it might be a case of the "novice boat" out fishing all the old hands Please PM if interested. Alan.
  24. AHoy

    Reels needed

    Thanks again for all the info, focusing on specific models makes checking out for deals a lot easier. Looks like my first addition will be a new Shimano Calcutta 400S that nobody else wanted to bid for on an auction site Thanks for the tip Duncan. A.
  25. I may be up for this but work wise the following weekend is more suitable for me. Looks like I would be the only plodder though v. all you 30Kn types. As soon as I know for certain I will tie in with the rest of you. Alan.
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