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Everything posted by Neal

  1. Apologies in the delay to responding to your kind best wishes. I was on a brief sabbatical in Japan, minus wi fi.... Temperatures of 6 degrees compared to the normal 36 degrees came as something of a shock to my system. But I did enjoy my birthday........champagne and cake were a must. Thanks once again and I will continue to follow the adventures of the wonderful club and its members. Tight lines one and all.....
  2. I hope it gets used more frequently than Tiddler did.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  3. Belated birthday wishes Jerry
  4. Happy birthday Tony, I hope you have a great day. Hurry up and get your boat finished....I am looking forward to a fishing trip.
  5. Happy birthday Martin
  6. Happy Birthday Stuie I hope you have a great day with all the family. πŸΎπŸŽ‚πŸΎ
  7. Happy Birthday Tony, I hope you had a great day Neal
  8. Belated Birthday wishes I hope you, your family and everyone in the club will continue to stay safe Neal
  9. Happy birthday - I hope you have a good one🍻🍻🍻
  10. I hope you had a great day
  11. Dream Drifter - Alfie,Sally, Neal plus one other? Fishing both comps on Sunday
  12. Dream Drifter fishing Friday - Alfie, Martin and Neal
  13. Happy birthday Tony Enjoy your day
  14. Would all those with Trophies from last year, please bring to this and or next months meeting. Alternatively pass them on to someone who is going to attend. Cheers Neal
  15. January First Place Alun Jones Bass 15lb 14oz 167% Specimen Second Place Bobi Francis Flounder 2lb 15oz 117% Specimen Third Place Dave Evans Flounder 2lb 11oz 107% Specimen
  16. Happy birthday Martin
  17. This is very old news....and slightly misleading. (who would have guessed?) The huss / rock salmon has been imported Canadian spurdog for the last 25 years or more. I saw a label on a box in my cousin's fish and chip shop. Surprisingly he thought it was just dogfish. We wiped out our shoals of spurdogs after the second world war. They are starting to make a small recovery as we know, but they are not targeted....yet! Not sure about bye catch? But I bet it probably goes to Europe first.
  18. Weather looking good for Sunday's cod comp if anyone wants to blow away a few cobwebs!
  19. Happy birthday Brian
  20. Neal

    Happy Birthday Ian

    Belated happy birthday Ian
  21. It is cancelled - it may be attempted next weekend! It would be nice to just be able to get out and try to catch something...anything. If no cod, whiting over 2lb 8oz to be considered for a prize...
  22. Weigh in 5pm Cobbs. Prize will be the Bob Horne Memorial Trophy and a tackle voucher.
  23. It would appear that there was no cod caught by a club member during the recent Poole Sea Angling Centre / PBSBAC competition Another attempt is being held on the 27th January if anyone fancies another go.
  24. A Merry Christmas to you all from a very hot and sunny Thailand 😎😎😎😎
  25. Yes, We try to support Poole Sea Angling Centre competititions by combining them with our club competitions where possible. He is a major sponsor for the club and it's members.
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