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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sam

  1. tom dont insult us
  2. it's fine just hold on more and carry a sick bag sam
  3. it is not very nice prediction we have everyone in the marina bringing down extra ropes for the boats and all there covers being tied down in my opinion it would be silly to have the comp sam
  4. i think you need to get out fishing again mate sam
  5. i see were my bad jokes come from now sam
  6. Sam


    club record for crab surely not seen as it is a FISHing club sam
  7. i watched a young lad sitting on one of the bollards on the quay pulling up strings of about four at a time. pretty unbelievable i know sam
  8. Sam

    Boat Docking

    rich the lift types are very impressive dad has a few down his place sam
  9. Sam

    Boat Docking

    i dont think i have the guts to show mum not changing boat now so close to completion lol sam
  10. Sam

    Boat Docking

    the cheap ones are just on rollers so one big push gets it off very affective and save a fair bit on antifoul sam
  11. Sam

    Boat Docking

    we had one of these set up in the marina a week ago as a trial run they are really good but if you get it wrong can really damage the boat. the one we had went up on big rollers so it was a case of a big push really clever sam
  12. Sam

    Boat Show

    i dunno me and scott are planning to take his 32 out wrecking buy the way tom that other boat is called cadram solair and is owned by mr green sam
  13. james he ties up in the marina sometimes to wash down he doesnt like me apparently im too short and blunt can't think about which subject sam
  14. and with the leg you can keep a nice shallow hulled boat like ours unlike if you went for a shaft where you would not be able to have a shallow hulled boat our new boat will be able to get nice and shallow but will be too busy fishing the wrecks to worry about it you could always go for the third option and go for a jet drive sam
  15. Sam


    thats weird i had the same joke through on text earlier today sam
  16. Sam

    Winter Jobs

    hi guys as you know i work at poole quay boat haven and have for 2 years but sadly by the end of october could be time for me to go but not definate yet thanks to tom i got a nice list of people to try through the winter but seen as this is one of the best forums on the web for pretty much anything at the moment, was wondering if any of you guys had anybody needing staff or even yourself needing staff. definately not shy of hard work thanks in advance sam
  17. it is in poole now and my she is a beast when your plodding along in creekmoor and that thing overtakes you, you feel very in superior sam
  18. what sort of size is it, pretty big waiting list at the moment johns my boss we can put you on one of are new ones but give john a ring on 01202 649488 sam
  19. lol haha yeah well when theres only two on dutie running the marina and the quay is hard to keep the office open all the time sam
  20. are mooring fees are excellent you see you have to pay for the quality of the staff sam
  21. dan you would be surprised most millionaires are tight ba**ards which explains all the money, some of the large boats that come through are marina moan like hell about the berthing fees sam
  22. nothing worse than watching awol go pass your office window on a nice day sam
  23. i have a friend who has one and he fell off it and broke his arm sam
  24. mike them large holes hold a few fish not going to bore you with the storys sam
  25. i don't sam
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