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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    Hi Pete

    hi pete
  2. we got up about 7 (not as early as adam mad !!!) we got to the boat about 8am and headed out to a wreck 11 miles out in the same direction as the gully lines were down and started out with little taps at the huge squid bait (pout) then daniel had a big take up came a 27lb conger the only one caught all day. we lost about 6 more congers with the line being broke on the wreck. by this time dad had enougth losing all of his gear so we decided to try a cod mark! we headed straight for jimbobs mark about 5 miles away and anchoured up amoungst about 20 other boats seeing why they call it the car park. we got lines in the water and were fishing with squid and mackerel we were catching pout and doggies but no cod in the end we had over 3 dozen whiting up to 3 pounds and a couple of pout no whiting as big as my club record 4lb 5 oz tight lines sam
  3. hi rose theres always sum1 who needs a crew the best way is to just ask and ask again and one day sum1 will let u crew tight lines sam
  4. nice one james a big beast of a cod i wish i could go out and catch one that big better keep trying well done mate tight lines sam
  5. Sam

    quay fishing

    hi all been down the quay today hopeful of a small bass or flatty went down at about ten started by the lifeboats for some live bait had a close incounter with a weaver fish we moved up the over end by the bridge and had millions of wrasse lost a small bass it was my m8s first fishing trip sp we tried to get alot of small fish witch was succesful we had a cracking day finishing of with fish and chips
  6. Sam

    cheap reels

    thanks for that guys i think i will give it a search and really find one i like
  7. Sam

    cheap reels

    thanks for that adam i think i will go into some fishing shops have a look at there prices and compare them to ebay sam
  8. thanks duncan a couple more years and ill be out in the great white hopefully
  9. not really they were caught just rowing around in our dingy by the marina were our moring is
  10. Sam

    cheap reels

    thanks for that bob when we go out big fish fishing i use my dad shimano tld 20 which is a nice reel but i wanted i shimano or something for closer in
  11. Sam

    cheap reels

    hi all i thought it was it woz about time i brought my own rod and reel ive already got an ugly stik but i wanted sumin lighter something that i cn use in the harbour and outside with a multiplier yours sincerly sam chapman ps bob them red mullet were caught in the dinghie by parkstone yacht club we were rowing around
  12. ow my god what alot of idiots wot is the point why not just spend some money and get a compass and gps
  13. sorry bob but that remains a secret just for the great white crew hopefully goin to try and go out nxt weekend but weather looks bad sam
  14. thnx guys for the welcome im sure ur all better fisherman than me wen u nxt going out and do u know any good charters im thinking of going on one tight lines cheers sam
  15. went out 2day on my own with bro in poole harbour we caught bass,red mullet and garfish it was a great time for our first time alone without dad going out to the big fish 2moz hopefully for a conger or tope kind regards sam
  16. Sorry Bob If they are to go into the book I need the sizes. Cheers Charlie
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