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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. Thanks for all that, chaps, I think I may give alec a try first.
  2. Now that I have converted to launching mostly from Christchurch, can anybody help me with an early morning supplier of worms. I have tried Pro Angler but the worms they supplied were some poor wee things. I'm looking for worms that fight back! Any suggestion much appreciated.
  3. plaicemat


    I have managed to source some clear plastic tubes, approx 2ins x 25ins with a plastic cap at each end. I am going to ask Wedger to fill them from his sausage machine and freeze them. I will then decant the 2ins x 25ins sausage into the pipe on the stern of the boat and, hopefully, hey presto. I will let you know how it works out and, if anybody else wants to try, let me know and I'll bring some down.
  4. plaicemat


    Yes, that's always been my problem; too damn honest!
  5. plaicemat


    cool game. PB so far 135!
  6. I think it may have been mentioned before, but, ropeseller on ebay is a good bet for rope. I have recently acquired 600ft (185m) of 10mm nylon anchor rope for
  7. Having fitted out my Microplus, I have the following items which are surplus to requirements. They were replaced for the reasons given. Honda 10hp 4stroke, electric start, non tiller control. This was on my boat when it was used on the Norfolk Broads and I changed to a 50hp. I have only tried it once to test the boat and it performed perfectly.
  8. As I've never done this trip before, or fished from Weymouth, can you inform which slipway and where please.
  9. Adam, you can put me down for my boat and 2 anglers. Can't get enough of those plaice.
  10. I have two Michael Edwards videos (basic and advanced) which I can lend you which will definitely give you a good start. They are easy to follow and give sound advice. I can probably also loan you a rod and reel to practise with. How much of a rush? I'm coming down the weekend of the training day, is that soon enough?
  11. I would be very happy to road test 20kg and will pay for the privelege. I don't expect owt for nowt! Please contact me regarding collection as I'd want to get it back up country still frozen.
  12. plaicemat

    bulk braid

    I offered this last time but was probably too late. Braid Direct at www.braiddirect.co.uk/ offer 100% dyneema oval braid in various lengths and strengths. e.g. 32lb, 1000mtrs
  13. plaicemat


    You should be able to buy U section edging strip from motor factors. It usually comes in 4mtr rolls and is used by owners of old type minis to go round wheel arches. Of course, it will be dependent on the thickness of the material you need to cover. Hope this helps.
  14. plaicemat


    I've found that 25kg plastic sacks of playsand, which can be purchased cheaply from a toy shop, or Argos, are ideal. They mould to the shape of the boat.
  15. I'm sure everybody is aware of Braid Direct but, in case anyones missed it, the link is www.braiddirect.co.uk. For example, 32lb, 500mtrs is
  16. I was coming down from deepest Oxfordshire on Saturday but Pete, my crew, got roped in for Xmas shopping with her who must be obeyed. Looks like I missed a special day. Well done Alun!
  17. plaicemat


    Can I just thank those people who replied to mine regarding launching at Christchurch. We came down today and had a cracking day. First tried the deep water between the Ledge and Dolphin Bank but were inundated with doggies wherever we went. Eventually landed up at Southbourne rough where a guy in a small open boat invited us to join his whiting bonanza. Had a great 3 hours before running the gauntlet of the return journey near low water. Several fish suppers in the freezer and, as Arnie said, 'I'll be back'.
  18. Thanx a lot for both those replies, v.useful indeed. I would be very grateful for any help and even accompanying someone would be great. Weekends are best for me and I will be down this weekend (27/28-11) on one day depending on the weather. I have a Microplus 501 fisher with a 50hp Mariner, launching with a Landrover Discovery. If poss, I will keep in contact.
  19. I am a newly joined member of PBSBAC and would appreciate help regarding launching at Christchurch or Mudeford. I used to moor a larger boat in Holes bay about 20 years ago but now have a trailed craft. I want to fish Cristchurch Ledge and feel launching nearby would be an advantage. Any help gratefully received.
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