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Jack the Lad

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Everything posted by Jack the Lad

  1. Mornin' all, If you use your powers of negotiation Rich and then Boybilly has a go afterwards WAC could finish up paying us to take them off their hands I say have a go - the cheaper the better; as long as the sandeels are genuine Stormies. I can get Tempest 6" sandeels at
  2. I'm out all day tomorrow - fishing the bass are in So I'll collate the order at the weekend. Not quite sure how to sort out monies etc. I could buy 'em all but then postage to Wales plus postage back to Poole a bit of silly increase in costs. BillyBoy has kindly offered to collect and distribute etc. Has the club got funds to make the purchase and then collect payment etc.?? I'll PM Martin and see how he wants it organised. I'm afraid being in Wales makes things a bit difficult, but I hope to move to Poole/Weymouth in 18mths. I think that's a bit of a long wait for your Stormies Cheers - Jack
  3. Hi there, BAD NEWS I've discovered the guy I was negotiating the supply/price for the sandeels with is very unreliable and I could not suggest we did any business with him. GOOD NEWS As Rich suggested I phoned Weymouth Angling and spoke to Richard there. He has agreed to sell to the club at the folowing price:- Storm 6" sandeels, 10 in a pack, at
  4. Jack the Lad


    Do you know the difference between a Porche and a porcupine? > > > > > > > > > > A porcupine has the pricks on the outside !
  5. Jack the Lad


    LOL's Boasting Bob? What do you drive?
  6. Would one of you who knows Andy Selby give him a ring to find his best price on the sandeels and shads before I conclude buying elsewhere. Please let us all know price so we know where to buy. Cheers - Jack
  7. OK Martin - thanks. I think I'd better try and conclude a deal with him on his Stormy sandeels and see how many packs I can get at this price. He also said he can do me a very good deal on Stormy shads so I'll try and get a price out of him for the Shads and see how much good a 'good deal' is? . I'll let you know . Cheers - Jack
  8. Noted that Charlie; thanks. When I've got it sorted with the guy I'll PM you. Cheers - Jack
  9. I should know within 7 days. I'll PM and let you know. Perhaps with a few more pkts for you, may tempt him more? Cheers - Jack
  10. Hi Newboy, These eels seem the "bee's knee's" so I'm trying to find a good source of supply. Don't buy too many at 80p each. I'm negotiating to get the 6" Storm naturalistic sandeels at
  11. Hi Bob, Thanks for great info - I'll definitely 'bottom bounce' - very useful tip . Cheers - Jack
  12. Thanks Duncan and Paul, Just like magic - all is clear - todo claro !! Much appreciated; great info. Cheers - Jack
  13. Thanks Paul, Good tip - 20ft or less. Oooops - I was trying in the wrong place today. A deep 42ft channel Cheers - Jack
  14. Thanks Maverick, That's my language - I understand and appreciate. Cheers - Jack
  15. Hi Duncan, Appreciated you abbreviated reply - caught short Your last two comments are within my vocabulary the first two comments might be from another planet or is it something to do with air sea rescue on the Bill. I've done the usual google thing with helicopter and portland but ??? Are you drifting with the weight bouncing the bottom? Is it better to have the snood how far off the bottom? You obviously have the knowledge; but I need more clues. Please amplify when you have the time! Cheers - Jack
  16. Happy Bank Holiday everybody. The bass are in our estuary (Lougher) and I understand some are being caught drift lining. I'm thinking of using live sandeels and Storm Wildeye 6" sandeels when live not available. Anybody had any luck with the Storm eels? What is the best way to rig them; live eels and Stormies ? ie. leader lengths, how many swivels, hook sizes, amount of weights - should it be bumping the bottom etc etc etc. Should I try small live mackeral - when they arrive here? What rig? Any 'hot tips' to help me get these bass hooked? Regard me as totally ignorant about drift lining from a boat ; which I am !! Should I try and reduce boat speed by dragging a light anchor astern? Please tell me your secrets Cheers - Jack
  17. Thanks Bob, I went ahead and bought it - seems very good value. Matched it up with an Abu 6500C3 and gave it to my beloved for her Birthday. She's very pleased and caught a bass , almost first cast ! Lucky rod etc or something to do with pheromones Cheers - Jack
  18. Well Coddy, where do I start? The RNLI and the RYA both advise the use of nylon rope for anchoring in preference to polyprop - so do all authoritive guides written by experienced and often qualified authors. Unfortunately another use an anchor warp is utilised for is that of a 'tow rope'. Believe me ( or check with guides and professional rescuers) it much safer useing nylon rope for towing with a central snatch weight. This being due to the elasticity of nylon. Also nylon is at least 50% stronger than polyprop. Whilst hopefully you will never need the BS strength you should always be operating at a very small proportion of its strength due to wear & tear and tying knots instead of making splices.Cullodon on this thread said that poly streches - that is incorrect info. There are too many strong arguements and examples I can give, demonstrating you should use poly for anchoring only as a temporary emergency. Your advice/comments seem based on financial savings. Or, if I don't use it much - get it cheap? Your anchor is your boats safety brake! Do not be angry at losing an anchor. some chain and a length of warp; it is part of boating - but sometimes lessens with more experience. Do you really suggest you should compromise on safety for the sake of saving about
  19. Oooops ! I suggest peeps stay with buying nylon rope for anchoring. Reasons covered in previous posts. Cheers - jack
  20. Hi there, I've been offered a RT Carbostick 12lb boat rod. Price seems very reasonable and a TSF write up makes it look good. Unfortunately TSF seems to rate every RT product as very good - perhaps everything is But has anybody actually got personal experience of one of these rods? If so, are they any good? Cheers - Jack
  21. Thanks Dan, That sounds great; thanks for info. I'm definitely going to have a go at that. We've got a local pond with carp - so I'll feed 'em on dog biscuits - except one will have a hook in it Cheers - Jack
  22. Brilliant Dan I've been fluffing for 30yrs and never caught anything that big. Dead envious and I'd better get some tips off you . How do you tie a mixer or should I be asking what is a mixer? Cheers - Jack
  23. Hi Dan, You've got a good sense of humour - lol's. Sounds if you may be dropping your rod too far on the back cast. When the line is travelling forward it should not be around your earholes; it should be well above your head height. When learning try this into strong headwinds - turn round! Have you ever noticed how your back cast can quite often be the better part of your cast. So if you turn round and cast ashore but then let the line drop onto the water on your normal back cast. May sound mad - but give it a try. As Fishfinger says hauling and double hauling will improve your length of cast + shooting heads etc etc. But, initially I'd concentrate on getting the basic casting and timing techniques sorted. When you do a good cast it's enjoyable even without the fish! Cheers and good fluffing - Jack
  24. Hi there Anybody got an Abu Conolon Premier 12lb boat rod - in good condition; they want to sell? I'm probably dreamin' - but you never know; just PM me - don't want everybody to know. Cheers - Jack
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