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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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On my boat i have a garmin 3210 plotter but i can not change the date and time on it at the monment is is displaying 10 june 90 but when i look at the tides and change the date that i want to look at its fine but soon as i leave that page it go's back to june 90 again when i am in setting i can see the date but i can not highlite it to change and i thought that all, the updates are done from the antenna like date and time and yes i have changed all, the setting to new zealand does anyone else have the same unit that can help i will speak to the garmin rep this weekend at the boat show if he is there garmin are not that big over here the big boys are raymarine and lowerance so not many garmin dealers to speak to .


mark b




It's strange that it's not showing the correct date and time.

According to the manual, date and time are obtained automatically from the Satelites atomic clock.







Hi Mark I have the 3010 and had the same thing with mine I had to stop it from plotting and then it started to find the satalights and the green bars come up if that want make the date change you have reset it but cant remember you do it when the units off you hold two buttons down but cant remember whitch ones Adam might help as he had one

mark w

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