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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Guys


I am looking at potentially getting a Raider 18 or similar small pilothouse boat (MF 58x etc) in the next month or two. My parents have a static caravan at Christchurch. Can anyone advise on the options/ costs of morring, or trailer stowage and launch? Are any of the marinas providing trailer stowage and launch in a secure park or do you have to launch and retreive yourself? Ill probably be down there next weekend.


Lymington would be another option but Christchurch much better I think.


Thanks for any advice.





  • 3 weeks later...



There are a few guys who do what you are after -


Paul J has a boat on a trailer in XChurch - but he is on holiday fishing for Stripers at the mo.


Wedger has a boat on a mooring there


Niggle has a bost on a pontoon


Perhpas PM them and ask the questions, they should be able to shed some light on your requests.




Paul J has a boat on a trailer in XChurch


Paul uses the same facitlity as my dive club to store his boat. Its council owned and you have to launch and retrieve yourself, however, the compound is reasonably secure, but not the best and the price reflects this. There may still be a waiting list, we were on it several years before being allocated a place for our club RIB.


Gordon H




Thanks for the replies. I havent checked the thread for a while. Basically my offer ona boat got accepted last week and I had a little panic when I found out the mooring was not transferable. Anyway I still had a few options. I spoke to the water ways and the officers colleague told me there were only 2 river moorings for 25ft plus boats. I suspect the smaller ones have been taken in advance of summer and I havent phoned back the other lady.


I phoned around a few places and when they said no I asked if they knew anywhere else and RIB Marine put me onto Willow Way boat yard. I went down today and checked it out and took the mooring. Its quite a nice place and has the benefits of some amenities on site and CCTV. I think there may be one or two other moorings available there, but other than that Christchurch is quite full. Its a wonder what zero percent interest rates and high government borrowing will do for places like Christchurch!


Anyway I should be loose on the high seas soon enough! If anyone can offer a few wreck or rough ground marks within a couple of miles of XChurch that would be great!




Well done Rob glad your all sorted all you need to do now is join a local fishing club that can help you find the fish tongue.gif and for small boat anglers this is the best club in this area cool.gif


Seriously though you won't find a wreck that close to xchurch but xchurch ledge is worth fishing. A fair few of our members fish out of xchurch so you will not be short of company.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rob


Welcome to the forum and I hope you join the club soon as it is well worth the help you get.


Your boat looks good but can I make a couple of suggestions after reading the specs.

1/ Get a differant anchor, suggest a Bruce look-a-like at about 7.5kg


2/ Rig the anchor to trip if it gets stuck


3/ You need approx the length of boat in chain so double the length you have as it is the chain that keeps the anchor secure


3/ Increase the length of your anchor warp as 50ft is not very much and in any swell it pull the anchor out unless you are in really shallow water. I would suggest 100mtrs would cover most situations you will find around, if you have more so much the better.


I hope you don't mind these suggestions, you may be very experianced with boats in which case I am sure you knew all of the above and are making improvements already.


I would not like to read of anyone having problems in the local area even if they were a club member or not. I would also suggest you get the boat SeaChecked by the RNLI, this is free and they have come up with some very good ideas regarding safety on small craft.







Hi Guys




I will probably join the club but its not the top prioty to shell out on right now as as you say there are some equipment and safety kit purchases required... It is a fairly long list including Pboat level 2 course.



Graham, yes its been advertised a while. There are two other raider 18 wheel houses availabel in the


Good for you Rob, as I said he was not budging when i spoke with him. I have since bought one (although paid considerably more than the prices you mention) with a new evinrude 90 and am well happy.


Tight lines :-)




Yeah, maybe i got lucky. He seems to have looked after it. The original owner was an RNLI coxwain and it was constructed with a reinforced hull.


We had three mackies, they werent biting and we onlyhad about 20 mins to fish. Was nice to be out though, but I am exhausted now!


I shouldbe down there again on the 10th july.

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