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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I decided to have a go for Smooth hounds a few days back so PM'd and texted a few people to see if they were free Tuesday night,a few had to work or had other commitments.

Milo (Mike) and Coombseye1 (Mark) had said they could make it.

Mark hadn't been out since last year because of work commitments and he has never caught a smooth hound so was looking forward to maybe catching one smile.gif

All day yesterday the wind was getting stronger and I was in two minds weather to go or not.But it was off shore and as long as it stayed that way we would be ok.

Mark came round to my house at about 7pm and we had arranged to meet Mike at the waters edge which was about a 45 minute drive.

Got to Tanners at around 8pm,the wind had dropped right off and the tide was just starting to flood.

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We quickly set up and paddled out to the first set of Buoys the wind was strong as we lost the shelter of the mainland and was wind against tide,so it wasn't very comfortable fishing.

Down went my bait and within 5 minutes I had my first fish and also my personal best common Smooth hound of 14lb 6oz ;D It was 3' 11" long ohmy.gif

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A few minutes later Mike was playing a nice fish in which turned out to be a bass of about 3.5lb.

Mark had a few runs from Smutts but they kept dropping the bait.

Finally he did connect with one and is shown in the video at the bottom of this report.

We managed about an hour fishing then the weed got bad so we moved closer inshore but had no more bites.

It looks like the best time is in daylight and also dusk.Once darkness had fallen it went quiet.

I did manage a nice Bass just as it got dark though ;D

We will give it another go next week on neap tides and a hight at around 8pm.

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Some video caption of the evening.Click on blue box to view.

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Balancing a Kayak with a 4 ft smoothie on your hook is prety good.


Balancing a Kayak with a 4 ft smoothie on your hook and making a video at the same time Mark. Superb ! ! !



I have to take my hat off to you blokes.

Well Done.





You R d man Mark.........good report .....excellent bit of vid.....photos.......PB smoothie.......what did you do with the other hand !! tongue.giftongue.gif :


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Thanks for the replies Guys smile.gif

Dave...I had the other hand wrapped up in a cloth trying to stop the bleeding biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif .I dont know if it was the smooth hound or the hook that cut my hand.Or maybe even the line when I was holding on to the leader.

All the blood in my footwells was from my hand and not the fish blink.gif ...Just glad I had some super glue with me biggrin.gif .Though it was only a scratch but they always seem to bleed more when mixed with salt water.

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