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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just for fun,what would your favourite boat be if funds were available.It`s not that I`m doing a fact finding mission but I always have a look at boats for sale on the web and just wondered wether others do?

I`ll start off Pro Charter30 {Charlies is a cracker] Nige


I'm always looking Nige!


For me it would be the black hulled South Cat 38 we saw in Alderney last weekend. She was called Greeta and was regesitered to somewhere in the Netherlands - yes she was a 'charter' boat but she was fitted out in Yacht quality. Dripping in stainless - 3x KAB helmseats across the wheelhouse and a 3/4 length stern transom door. GORGEOUS!!! Wish I had taken a picture!


Controversially....I've deliberately NOT given myself any ideas of a dream boat....as in the past this has caused me much dissatisfaction!!!


Frisky ticks so many boxes for me, it's not true, and was bought following 14 years of boat ownership, and after a 3-year search for the right model - then the right example of that model. Yes, I'd like to replace some of the older fixtures and fittings that are looking tired, but am doing these progressively, and I have no plans or desire to change in the next 30 years or so. wink.gif


She's the right size for friends and family - or solo if needed, might be a little slow (but this allow me more time afloat), and has that "ideal" compromise between performance, accommodation and seaworthiness for our needs, and hopefully I should be able to moor her somewhere in retirement that doesn't break the bank....but that's a while off yet!


Mind, there is an urge to have a Warrior 175 (or Raider 18) on a trailer as well.....but I think that's just being greedy. biggrin.gif







Thanks Nige



I think I have seen that one a few times in Weymouth, is it the one with double doors in the transom to launch the dinghy.

If also has an awsome array of screens in the wheelhouse.

Its registered in Finland.


I would even swap Alfresco for that one.


Not sure I am ready to swap her for a yacht, would swap the fuel bills though tongue.gif




Botnia Targa 31 - I'm assuming I get given the boat but have to run it ... otherwise it would be a Nordhavn 86 (with a botnia targa 31 on the stern with one of Martins' next to it. biggrin.gif


Impressive bits of kit the Targa 31...was on board one earlier this year, and was much impressed.


Definitely the 4x4 of the sea, able to take almost anything the Channel could throw at it....and still get you home comfortably!




Dan worked on a Nordhavn last week


He was so impressed with the engine room he took pictures to show me.


even had a small engine for slow speed work instead of the main engine.




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