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Hi there. Just joined the forum and now PBSBAC proper. I wanted to say what a quality forum this is. So much help and assistance, and the members only section is great too - I highly recommend it.


I currently have a 13ft Dory which I launch at Mudeford.


Taking delivery of a Warrior 165 in couple of weeks - can't wait.


As my name suggests, my main fishing is livebaiting for bass (mainly joeys or smelt if I can catch them off the quay with my cast net) - had nothing over 4.5 lbs this season yet, but am ever hopeful. That all important double figure bass still eludes me.


So, I'll be putting a shout out for boat buddies to join me for the more far afield adventures - safety in numbers n all that.


Does anyone venture as far as the rips or brittle star grounds in a 165? With the right tide and forecast, and with safety in numbers, I must say I'm certainly tempted!!






Hi Toby and welcome to PBSBAC


Good boats the 165's I'm sure you will have loads of fun with her


Re the rips in one? yes a couple of members with 165's have ventured out to the rips indeed a Raider 16 has also made the journey. You must however be 100% about your and your boats ability and be 110% sure of a settled forecast. If it cuts up and you have to slow down to displacement speeds its a long way home


Good luck with your new boat and hopefully meet you soon




Hi Toby welcome


I have a 165 and ventured out brittle star grounds 2 suns ago

had a raider 18 as buddy boat. wasn't the perfect weather to be

out so far but was ok and i felt safe in me little tub!

Happy to buddy up sometime but can only do sundays at present.




Welcome Toby,


I nearly went to the Brittle Star grounds last year but weather changed and I went for IOW.

Not been out this year yet but hope to soon.




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