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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Some of you have cruised extensively before, some (Martin) with me personally.


So just to make you jealous and the remainder of you sick at the thought.


On Saturday I leave for Santander where I am collecting the Atlantic Explorer which is a Rodman 1250 with 2 x Volvo 430Hp engines.


Just a short delivery... to Madeira.


We are coast hopping from dawn on Sunday morning to Gijon, Bayona and on to Cascais (Lisbon) before heading out for the 540nm (yes five hundred and forty) journey straight out into the Atlantic ocean.

Sadly the fishing gear has been stowed to make way for the 1000 litres of extra fuel that is on deck because about 200 miles out is the Gorringe Bank a sea mount which rises from about 3000m to 20m from the surface. Just think of the fishing! It makes you weep not to experience it.


The boat is geared for big game fishing and is privately owned. She was Galway based, but the owner chose to move her to Madeira for private and charter use.

She's fully coded and well equipped so I am really looking forward to the cruise.


Just ordered the charts today from Kelvin Hughes.

My self and first mate (this mean the marlin wire man) Ollie are taking her to Cascais where my good mate and Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor Gary Braybrook from Cruise Control will be joining us to give us enough people to do 4hours on, 8 off, watches during the open water passage.


Slightly nervous, very excited, can't wait!




Yep !

It worked Tom. Think of me toiling while you're out there.

And if you see anyone with a parrot on his shoulder and a patch on his eye, remember the word " Parlez " and tell 'em to " keep to the code " biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif







Some of you have cruised extensively before, some with me personally


i'm sure there must be a joke somewhere about toms cruising and George Michael tongue.gifwink.gif


sounds like a fantastic trip Tom, I hope they're paying you enough!


I am sure that although the tackle is stowed the cameras will not be.


We look forward to your report in the usual style when you return


Have a good one,

stay safe



Charlie sick.gif



I cruised from Gib to Portsmouth - but at least I managed to fire mini-guns, GPMG's and Fly upside down in a Lynx!!!


Not sure I like the idea of minimal fishing! But I am sure it will be one to remember (if they don't throw you overboard!!! ) laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Tom in case you need extra crew remember i work 3 days a week and can take time off with little notice


seriously have a good and safe time


post pics of catches on website when u return


Tony D


Looking at the weather charts for my trip tomorrow is like looking for a fishing trip here.


Only about 1200 nautical miles worse!


Looking distinctly breexy with 4m swells on the coastal section at the moment!


Shipping forecasts are Rough to Very Rough. sick.gif


Oh dear.




Wearing my flip flops as I type... In Madeira.


Quite an adventure.

Some 1100nm including 520 in open water.


Tied up in Funchal marina at 12:15 this morning.

Spent the night in a lovely hotel from where I am now, a bit of boat tidying this lunchtime and an afternoon taking a dip in the ocean.


Home tomorrow.



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