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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What a great day to be out on the water, flat seas no wind and sunshine!


Out on Just Perfick with a mate of mine who had never fished in saltwater before so even catching the bait was fun for him.

it was one of those days where i could stand on the bow and flyfish so i did, while Tomo and my mate alan , freelined live mackeral.

I caught a couple of small pollack on the fly and dropped a Bass at the boat on a shad.


Tomo had a screaming run that was very impressive, it took him round the back of the boat before dropping the bait, it could only have been a very big Bass.

While retreiving in, another Bass picked it up and Tomo landed a 4lber.

My mate Alan then landed a 4lber which completely made his day.


Thanks Tomo for a great day on the water




It was a very nice day !! I don't normally like inshore fishing on a Sunday [now that I can pick and choose!!] as it's often too busy with traffic........BUT... today had a nice little window and am busy tomorrow ........ also allowed me to take out Jim [aka Small Fry], who hardly ever seems to get out.


We went mid morning [ 6.30 ish !!], catching the last part of the flood. Mackerel were in abundance.......but my plan was to use them to catch something smaller for bass bait and have a go for triggers at the same time.....


Plan A didn't quite work........ the bait fish were not about, the triggers [??....no sign yet !!??] but we did get Jim into a nice bass..... that put a big smile on his face and a good start to the day!!. I dropped one and it went quiet.....so we went for some drifts at the start of the ebb..........and it was good sport...... with 2 or 3 bass on each drift. Most were small ones [ 13 - 16 ins] and went back, but there were a few better ones, with a 5 lber to me that 'pipped' Jim's one from earlier.


Having run out of livebaits now , and only an hour or so before we needed to get in , we went back to Plan A ....... where things were a bit livelier.... another bass for me plus a meal- sized bream....... and the tiddlers we wanted earlier !!


2 o'clock and a procession of boats fighting the Run back into the harbour. Slip not too busy and home for tea in the garden....much hotter than on the water !!


Bass recipes again this week !!




What a great day to be out on the water, flat seas  no wind and sunshine!




My mate Alan then landed a 4lber which completely made his day.


What a great baptisim to sea fishing for him..........T'was nearly his second baptisim of the day!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifwink.gif




Chris and I went to try a different location today where I had seen Bass on drift dives. They were there alright but very wary, our floats kept going under and staying down but when we tried to hook up nothing. Had one really nice Bass follow the bait right up to the boat but still no take. The water was very clear and I wonder if that was the problem? Probably should have stayed at Christchurch as it sounds like everyone faired better there, still a great day to be out on the water.


Gordon H




As Alun said, What a great day !

I was SO pleased at Thursday's meeting when Alun said he was out on Sunday if I fancied joining him.

Hmmmmm, let me think, - - - - going to see my mother - in- law, or going fishing with Alun Jones. ? ? ? ?

That warm smile from Jaquies' Mum nearly won it ! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I'm glad she doesn't read this or she might put a spell on me ! ! biggrin.gif

As Alun said, mid-morning start ( 6.30 ).

Straight out for mackerel. Got a few prety quick, then off for the next part of the plan. As Alun said, I got a " Big Un " and a smile to match it.

After a while, we went and tried some drifts.

Lots of fish, a good few dropped baits, more smiles. ( more sandwiches, crisps, chocolates )

The tide changed again and we went back to the earlier spot and anchored up.

Alun had a nice bream and more bass.

I had one run on my own rod. All of my other fish were caught on the rod that Alun loaned to me ? ? ?


We heard loads of club members on the radio.

We saw quite a few and stopped briefly to say hello.

Finally got to say hello to Dan in " Dat Dam Boat " - - - - Didn't have time to take photos Dan, Mr. Jones doesn't hang about y'know.



Alun, Thanks very much for the Bass Lessons and for a cracking day out.

I feel that the next time I want to target these Poole Bass, I'll be better prepared to catch one or two.


My son Steve called in later this afternoon and I got him to take a picture.

With a proud smile on his face, he said " My Dad's got a Big One ! "


Here's the picture to prove it ! ! ! !.






We passed the Grinch on our way back from drifting for the Bass.

( most of the Bass we caught on the drift, were just under size. )

12, 13, inches but rules is rules and go back they must ! ! !


Well, I'm cream Crackered and smiling.


Thanks again Alun.





PS Mick, they are sexy rod tubes.





A cracking day to be out,plan A bass,gave up early on, due to being only small ones and didn`t want to plough through lots to get a biggy so plan B went out to some banks about 8mile out and had some good fun on small tope to 15lb,we were going to try for Turbot and Brill but the mackeral were everywhere and every depth and even nibbled a fillet! So whole maccy was the only way.



Well done Jim


Nice to see you out and about, just need to get your boat out a bit more now. wink.gif


Can't recall what 6.30am is like but I bet it was quiet.


Well done to Alun in getting another club member into Bass.




Posted (edited)


Well done to Alun in getting another club member into Bass.



Well don'e Jim its great being out with one of the masters. wink.gifwink.gif

Edited by Gas



Im so jealous you had a trip with alun. but so glad you had a cracking day and caught.


But no surprise with Aluns reputation.


Although the rod holder are wonderful i wish i didnt have the today, all can say is Doh im such a plonker.

Just about to set out when an unknown fellow boater could not find the tender to get to his boat on the pontoon, so i offered him a lift to his boat unfortunately it meant passing under tuckton bridge whilst looking for a space to come along side the pontoon i totally forgot about the 5 rods in those sexy rod holders ( sorry Mike ) 2 of them were his and the bridge is not the best thing to test the strength of your rods on. Luckerly only to top eye came off one of Mikes and the other one was ok. As for mine trusty suveran pro boat (my favourite rod ) and an in excess


Oooooh bad luck Mick ......


I had a great day out there, started off from Baiter about 9.30 and picked up some bait at Poole Patch ..... with no real plan where to head we decided to try over towards Christchurch Ledge, however as the Needles got closer their pull seemed stronger so we detoured over there. Saw bassncodformeplease and decided to anchor about half a mile from the needles rather than drift.


We were badgered by bream non stop, occasionally leaving us alone long enough for another species to have a go. Lots of mackeral and bream boated along with a small bull huss, smooth hound, pout, doggies and a small pollock. Really enjoyable sport until the tide turned and the wind picked up making the return journey slightly less comfortable.


Cant wait for the next trip out after that.


Had a good day out too. No bass for us, I think we decided to try for them too late in the day as the tide was slowing.

I went for XRay and managed a Tope and Thornback and it was getting decidedly lumpy out there as the wind picked up.


Tried calling Stingray ( Terry ) but I guess you went back in earlier ?



Not me, Paul. We were out there 'till 6.oopm. Didn't hear your call. Sorry, just remembered, there was a lot of rubbish going on and I switched it off. SORRY.




well first time out for me on mine for 18 months. haven't really been thinking of boat fishing as ive been pretty much living on the rivers over the past year after barbel and chub.


Anyway, took the missus out as she hadn't been out with me before with the intention of just getting her a few bites and teaching her the craft of boat angling. Well, i was pretty suprised when she set her up her own rods, tied the leader knots and then launched a cast 30yards off the back of the boat. dry.gif I think she has done this before wink.gif


Anyway, couldn't get bait in the usual spot so headed to xray to see if we could get any there. Full strings in no time.


Hook down, quickly into dogs, then pack tope before Jade dropped a good ray. A couple of bass to me upto 4lb before it lumps up. Spent the next couple of hours getting chucked about before it flattens off again at about 6pm. A couple of decent rays (inc jades 1st) follow before we head in.




Posted (edited)

thanks Mick for a good day, don't worry bout the rods, no harm done, ( good old cheapo penn rods) i was even going to keep the "bridge incident" a secret for you! ph34r.giflaugh.gif


funny how the moxt expensive rod was the most damaged, old murph at work

Edited by mike02380

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