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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Anyone going out on the small tides this weekend?


I am keeping an eye on which day is best weather with the hope to push out a bit


As I say I am not even sure which day yet, so its all up in the air,


But if other boats are out there it would be good to know


Also not sure about crew yet, I may have a space or two

If anyone is interested post or call


This time I hope to drift and anchor a wreck





Am hoping Frisky and crew will be out Charlie, but I doubt out as far as you.


Rumours on a.n.other site suggest the first of the codling are already here, and squid are inshore again.


Wouldn't mind a spot of codling, and George has tried (and come close) to boating a squid several times!


Also, running out of chance for some of those summer species, so perhaps there's chance of a little of everything this time of year?


Good luck whatever you do !







Mike - not sure re squid but I did had some very energetic seaweed take my bait on Sunday to the East (aka cuttlefish). Looked like weed, felt like weed - until it fell off then moved against the tide and grabbed on again!


Unfortunatly didn't manage to hook it , wasn't my day! mad.gif


Does anyone know if they will gladly take a squid jig? Or is that too prawny and they want fish?






Secret with cuttlefish is to retrieive slowly (and if they fall off drop down again a few yards, because they will grab hold). When they get to the surface slip a landing net under them before they break the surface. Then bounce them in the landing net, when they will drop the bait.


Might sound a bit cruel, but this spooks them, and they discharge their ink in the water, and not all over you and your boat.


Yes, have taken them on squid jigs, but they love holding on to small fish such as sandeels or pout, and cut a v-shaped notch in their backs using their parrot-like beaks.






Judging by what is happening in other parts of the world we might soon be targeting squid as a major species to catch. As stocks of their natural predators have been depleted so populations of squid have increased--they seem a bit cleverer at avoiding nets!!

It reminds me of an incident some years ago when fishing at this time of year off Southbourne catching a suceession of tiny bream. Something grabbed one on the way up and it was a decent sized cuttlefish that ended up in the bucket. Next drop the same thing happened 'something' grabbed a small bream on the way up but this time when I looked over the side my blood ran cold as I saw clear as day an enormous squid attached to my bream. I'm not saying how big it was for fear of ridicule but I still get shivers when I think about it. It did let go but I was still shaking an hour later.

Incidentally any missed bites that are steady pulls at this time of year on the bottom may be squid or cuttlefish. Difficult to hook but great bait and even better to eat.






the biggest squid I have caught off of Poole was about 4.5lb and looked massive.


I believe the ones they are having problems with in the states are at least 20 times bigger and a danger to scuba divers.



We do not want them here, they are eating all the fish stocks.


Thanks Mike for the interest I will call you when a bit nearer the weekend. No other boats looking at the Lull on Sat?





reading between the lines Charlie, i suspect you are hinting that im a short arse.


No, although i was even shorter back then, those are humbolt squid wieghing aprox 25lbs each not calamari.

We did used to catch calamari at night using spotlights, you could litterally scoop them up in a landing net, a dozen at a time



  Paul J said:
reading between the lines Charlie, i suspect you are hinting that im a short arse.


No, although i was even shorter back then, those are humbolt squid wieghing aprox 25lbs each not calamari.

We did used to catch calamari at night using spotlights, you could litterally scoop them up in a landing net, a dozen at a time





I think he was refering to the number of (few) years ago...not that you are verticaly challenged biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Just looked at the weather.


I'll see if I'm pre-booked with anything for Saturday.

It would be good to get Small Fry back in the water and see if I remembered anything I was taught by Alun. wink.gif




Hope to go out Saturday providing this flipping cold I bought back from Ireland eases,but also could be the cure! laugh.gif

Would like to hit the offshore banks to see what's about



It looks like Saturday now


I think Rory is joining Dan and I for a wrecking trip


We have room for one more if anyone fancys it let me know.


Dave [WM] are you out this weekend?




Charlie would of loved to of joined you and Dan ,bet that club conger record is going to get a nudge.But I think it best I just keep my sneezing to myself

  Wight Magic said:
Are you sure Jim it will take you 2 days to get all

the pot plants of & all the ivy

Dave biggrin.gif

If you wer'nt so big I'd Bash you Dave ! ! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif





Steve Can't make it !

Just spoke to Simon. Looks like we'll be out. He'll phone back in a while to confirm.

Looks like Coddy's coming as well.

So that'll be Simon, Dave and Jim on Small Fry. ( I hope ) smile.gif






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