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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I have been asked to put this up here for all to see.


I have personally voted against the restrictions in this area as I cannot see that private craft anchoring will do much if any damage. Imagine no more family day rafting up weep.gif


No more kedging in Studland Bay?


Subject: Please vote NO to the proposed boating ban in Studland Bay.


Please go to the site below and vote NO to the proposed conservation area in Studland Bay.

Posted (edited)




i see the needles/alum bay and down to the ridges. is also a proposed area,


some quotes from the blurb.......



"The Needles are most commonly used by recreational boat anglers and sailors"


"could allow fish species and lobster that are popular with anglers to recover and multiply"


"anglers to be the first beneficiaries of any spill-over from the core marine reserve area"




seems like the activities of the recreational boat fisherman are the target here.

Edited by mike02380

I woudnt dare comment on the area at poole because i dont travel over there,however the proposed area at the needles seems reasonable to me.Angling is only prohibited in a very small area,i think the idea has its merits in some areas.


I have dived in areas of natural beauty and I'm afraid that I would happily refrain from anchoring in such areas (nothing to do with being a goody goody or preacher, just a personal opinion).

Posted (edited)

I was obviously mistaken, I understood the No Anchor Zone in Studland bay to be much smaller, 100m x 100m.


I had it as:

North West corner = 50 38.664N 1 56.343W; North East corner = 50 38.664N 1 56.258W

South West corner = 50 38.610N 1 56.343W; South East corner = 50 38.610N 1 56.258W


Edited by Brian


I have to ask the question, how many people moor up in that particular area?


Surely we as anglers, can not expect to have the whole sea area open to us in this day and age.

We are quick to condem others that do damage to the seabed and enviroment yet when it is suggested that an area is closed to all for mooring we throw our hands up in horror!


If you want to fish that area what is wrong with drifting?

Is it an area of great fishing potential?


It maybe an area where many of the boating fraternity meet up and enjoy the peace and tranqual of the area, but whenever I have visited it seems there are idiots charging around in small ribs and speedboats using toys or just being a pain in the arse and wanting to see how close they can come and produce a wake to rock your G&T off the table. wink.gif


I for one see no problem with it, of course the area may be increased sometime but that is another issue.


If a group of boats wish to raft up, I am sure there is sufficient space to cope in the bay and should it become that crowded, do you really want to be there?


Oh well of my soap box now




I was obviously mistaken, I understood the No Anchor Zone in Studland bay to be much smaller, 100m x 100m.

<a href='http://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/BoaterstoobservevoluntarynoanchorzoneinStudlandBay.aspx' target='_blank'>http://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Page...tudlandBay.aspx</a>

I had it as:

North West corner = 50 38.664N 1 56.343W; North East corner = 50 38.664N 1 56.258W

South West corner = 50 38.610N 1 56.343W; South East corner = 50 38.610N 1 56.258W

indeed this is the SHT (Sea Horse Trust) no anchoring zone that was established in order to scientifically evaluate the impact of anchoring on the seahorses - unfortunately


1. they can't be bothered to evaluate

2. any evaluation is pointless as they do not have a separate zone where there is no anchoring or scientific activity such as diving, filming and handling the little things all the time.


The proposals now outlined are under a different auspices and have extremely carefully avoided any statement of what steps they actually propose to implement! However the world will be a better place for everybody if they do get a mandate sad.gif


It has been pointed out that there is absolutely no reason at all to implement steps in inshore anchorages (all the proposed sites are in such sheltered areas - except the Eddystone reef off Plymouth (yes all of it). This latter I could actually agree with but the rest is ridiculous. Part of the issue is that they know they have to start with a total trawling ban in the area - so they have picked areas that the commercials won't argue to much about (as they are not fisheries!).


I am actually amazed that Poole council hasn't realised the implications of the (recently) extended Studland proposals - combined with the potential for fiasco over the bridge and Holes Bay access this could easily halve the attraction of Poole to the small pleasure boater, many of whom have holiday property etc in the Borough as well.


FWIW I voted etc many months ago.

Oh well of my soap box now








The Studland proposal has almost zero impact on anglers. It isn't aimed at anglers, it is aimed at the boating community in general who enjoy Studland as an area to spend sunny Summer days with the family and friends.

WAFIs, MOBOs, RSA's all of us together.


Boating is an enormous part of Poole's leisure industry and Studland is (although rather boring as far as I am concerned) where almost all of them go on almost every weekend.


The bottom corner of the bay has nice sheltered anchorages in the prevailing winds leaving that corner feeling tropical, hence it's attraction.


My own view is to sink LOTS of permanent moorings that are free to use. Enough for a busy, sunny, bank holiday.

Boats will be free to come and tie up and enjoy their day as they always have been, but without the need to dredge the sea bed with slipping anchors.

Once sunk these permanent moorings will actually have a beneficial effect, acting as hundreds of mini reefs and spawning their own micro ecosystems.



Hi Dave/All


I believe that this could be the thin end of the wedge, and although I have not spent hours going through the paperwork, I have listened to it discussed at work and at meetings.


Like Duncan I do not see evidence of detailed evaluation of a trial.


I also hear that this ban is being pushed by someone who lives in the area in a large house that may or may not be fed up with grockles and the sound of boats in his bay.


No fish zones sound bad enough no boating zones another.


The main complaints about huge wind farms offshore and their exclusion zones, appears to be the additional hazards to boating in poor weather, if boats concentrate into small areas around the fringes of the zones.


Just my thoughts


But I heard Toms thoughts about permenent moorings voiced at a meeting at the Yacht Club this week.

Posted (edited)

Death by a thousand cuts !!! each bleeding a little freedom and enjoyment !! where will it end.??

Next is a tax by charging a toll on ur boat at the chains ... all done remotely by cctv and direct debit to your bank !! sick.gif

....And all to pay for another MP pay rise, expense account or bank bail out !!:angry:


ssssssssssss!!!!.... light blue touch paper and stand well back ...... laugh.giflaugh.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


ps.....I voted NO !!

Edited by pirky

Size 12 hook and a slither of carrot should do it!


Groundbait to consist of fresh hay.............


Oh God - i've succumbed to cabin fever.


whenever I have visited it seems there are idiots charging around in small ribs and speedboats using toys



JoJo is offended! She provided a number of smiles and laughs on the last Family Day!!!


On a serious not I will vote NO - have an anchor exclusion zone, as where we go on the family day is sand - which is easy to see as the water is so clear and shallow.



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