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SCHOOL -- 1970 vs. 2010





Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.


1970 - Crowd gathers. Johnny wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best mates for life.


2010 - Police called, arrests Johnny and Mark.. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Mark started it. Both children go to anger management programs for 3 months. School board hold meeting to impliment bullying prevention programs



Robbie won't Keep still in class, disrupts other students.


1970 - Robbie sent to office and given 6 of the best by the Headmasterl. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.


2010 - Robbie given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. Robbie's parents get fortnightly disability payments and School gets extra funding from state because Robbie has a disability.


Scenario :

Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.


1970 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman..


20010 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Goverment psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison.


Scenario :

Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.


1970 - Mark gets glass of water from Teacher to take aspirin with.


2010 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.



Scenario :

Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from Guy Fawkes, puts them in a model airfix paint bottle, blows up an ant


As it's a family site I won't swear.


They have really B*ggered our country up haven't they.


If only this example was just a joke and no-where near true, - - - we would be in a far better world than we are in ! ! ! !







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