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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having had her for a season there were a few things we knew that were needed to make her better so first of all we gave her a well needed clean.


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next we realised we needed to reduce the likelyhood of some scumbag emptying my fuel tanks again so we built a lockable seating arrangement in the hope that "out of sight would be out of mind", this will also give my dog somewhere to sit rather than having to stand the whole journey when we are out :=)


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Radar arch and new electronics came next


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i think its beginning to look like a propper fishing boat now so i thought i should treat her to a new cover


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..... hopefully the next pictures will be of fishing trips and fish!


Nothing at all today mate but was great to be out again on such a beautiful day.


I was really just out to play with my new electronics but was amazed that you were completely invisible to my radar ohmy.gif !!! Maybe you need to carry a radar reflector ph34r.gifwink.gif

  Little Sal said:
I was really just out to play with my new electronics but was amazed that you were completely invisible to my radar ohmy.gif !!! Maybe you need to carry a radar reflector ph34r.gifwink.gif

So come on then how did all the new gear perform?


Can't wait until next week end when I can go and play with mine......electronics that is




loved it Martin .... the gps and sonar were great, the in hull transducer worked a treat.


The radar ..... i think i need more practice .... sad.gif


It shows up boats and channel markers great but i was disappointed with the definition of pot buoys etc. I adjusted it to minimum distance and increased it to 78% gain and i could see marker buoys, buy i also saw seagulls flying at low level, which in very poor visibility would have put the fear of God into me (seeing unknown obstructions moving around in front of me)!


As I said I think i need more practice but it was good.

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