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WOW We did it Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The adventure started Wednesday night with Matt and I sleeping on the boat in readiness for an early start. In the middleof the night the wind got up and felt and sounded pretty bad - just as bad when we woke in the morning so did not feel comfortable to leave and make our mid channel rendezvous.


Sat around getting depressed and grumpy untill just before 10 we nosed out to have a look - not as bad as we thought Matt called it lets go so off we went solo all the way across.Pretty lumpy but not too bad.


Seemed terminally long journey until we picked up AWOLs AIS signal about 10 miles out and made contact. Great feeling as we made landfall!


Into the harbour for some lunch and chugged out to find some bait - very elusive only managed 6 macks but at least a start for the next day


Then ashore for a very warm introduction to the rest of the guys and good food in the Marais hall and off to bed - didn't sleep well the first night too wired from the excitement of the day I think.


Friday awoke to a great day and set off round to the banks for first experience of the Swinge great fun Free Boys negotiated it with no trouble.


Onto the Scholle not a thing all morning felt a bit like being back on the Shambles.


Then about 1.00pm we switched to Launce fillet baits and Matt said to me ' I wonder when we will ever catch another turbot' almost to thte second my rod arched over and I was in to a plump 8 pounder.


This was followed by a steady stream and we finished with 9 - very conscious of the pressure on these fish we put back all apart from 2.


Just the perfect day sun sea fish no wind!!


Another enjoyable night on shore and on to Saturday


As expected a fresher day with a stiff breeze - bit of a worry at first with the engine refusing to start eventually turned the immobiliser on and off and that semed to do the trick.


Fished inshore to East of Island to start ( sorry Abode and Alfresco for anchoring a bit close I thought there was more room in between) 1 pollack and a doggy from there.


Then off to drift South Banks with no joy so heaeded in early for a shower and sneeaky pint.


Meal and company in Harbour lights excellent thanks Terry for organising


Then on to Sunday awoke and went ashore for a shower and looked back at the sea from the hill - looked a mass of white horses didn't think we would be making it home that day!!


Eventually after much deliberation discussion and assistance from other boats we decided to head out with JV AWOL Serentity and Rosie one with the attention of staying in convoy until about twenty miles out and splitting off if conditions allowed.


Got out into the Swinge and it was prety lumpy but Free Boys was more than up to it I now have absolute confidence in her and her ability to cut through any sea.


Thanks for the video clip Adam it was really good to watch and relive.


As planned split up on the twenty mile mark and set for Portland making pretty good progress home for just gone 2.00pm passing the usual flotilla on the Shambles. Tired and a bit sad it was all over.


Anyway a great big thank you to all you guys for organising, the advice, company and making it such a great enjoyable trip even in difficult conditions!!!


Roll on next year though I am tempted by the 48hr trip


Green Army



Peter it was great to meet you and Matt

It was nice to get to know you a bit over the trip, over the odd pint. and do not worry about getting close mate , in those conditions it was no problem.


Your boat is an impressive bit of kit with excellent sea keeping qualities for her size


Glad you got back OK biggrin.gif


I expect like us you may be tempted back over in a few weeks if the weather is better.






Well done on making the trip in the not to clever conditions


To say I was impressed by the way Free Boys handled the conditions would be an understatement she's a brilliant safe looking craft.


See you in Alderney next time? 48 hour comp?




What a great report Peter may I say it was great meeting you and Mat and look forward to seeing you guys again.

Ps if we come down your way I will post you.




BTW find out how to turn off your AIS proximity alarm and then leave the AIS on, pointless having safety kit if it's turned off



Martin We've only got AIS receiver through radio so no signal to transmit I think you must have been looking at Serenity on Friday


Yes the 48hr is tempting !!


All the best



Great to have you along Peter, like the others I too was very impressed by the way Free Boys handled the conditions - nice one on the fishing front too.


A very, very big feat in a 6m boat - well done!


Hope to see you out there soon.


sounds like the only downside for you guys is that the question will become - shambles or casquettes (and overnight in Braye) when you head out on a Sat morning!


always good when you hear that people have learnt about their boat, and built confidence, all in challenging but non-threatening situations.


look forward to meeting you guys on the water (somewhere!)





After checking out with us did you check in with the Coast Guard? Advising them of your position and checking in every 15 mins and advising them of your return.


I would have!


Glad you got back safely. How much fuel did you use compared to the journey over?




Craig ill remember your harbour catch forever!


I had a great time was great to meat everyone, coming back was hard but the radio contact was great-( as was the video from jv you should have invited us for a close up)




Fuel consumption weep.gif 130 l on way out and 1st afternoon, 45l on the scholle 30l south banks 100l home - think I will invest in some oars and a few galley slaves!!


We felt so comfortable that we didn't check in with Coastguard but we could still hear you guys until we made landfall




Tony will correct me but I think Serenity used something like 100 litres going, 90 litres on the banks whilst over and 130 litres returning.

We did have to keep the engine idling for most the time though as charging issues !


Alfresco would rather be going a bit quicker and not at displacement speeds.


We used 375ltr


a bit more than we usually do on both channel crossings.



Charlie biggrin.gif

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