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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I suspect they're currently somewhat preoccupied with playing Mummy and Daddy bream....


Give them a short while to recover (have a fag and pint of beer etc), and am sure it will be back to business as usual soon biggrin.gif



  • 2 weeks later...

I'm beginning to suspect there has been overfishing by angling boats.


Take a smallish area like Poole Patch.


In the bream season I suspect this has an average of 10 boats, including an average of 4 charters....say 50 anglers per day.


Let's assume each keeps 10 fish (sizeable, males, BBQs, freezer, mates, etc), and pops the rest back.


500 fish per day kept, 7 days per week. for maybe 4 weeks in the peak bream season.


=14,000 fish kept


Average size 1.5 lb = 21,000lb of fish - call it 10 tons of bream for round numbers.


Yes, the estimates might be wrong, but however you adjust up or down, it's a lot of pressure on a small area, and it's hard to imagine too many more bream being down there.


Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, and it's hardly surprising that there's not as many around as before.


Is it time for the club to recommend a bag limit for the Poole area to the PDSA, to sustain our fishing for all?


To start the ball rolling, how about a maximum of 3 fish per angler per day, and no more than 10 bream kept per angler in any calendar month?




I'm beginning to suspect there has been overfishing by angling boats.


Is it time for the club to recommend a bag limit for the Poole area to the PDSA, to sustain our fishing for all?




I agree we should set an example for others to follow like we do in most fishy/boating things




Mike I agree 500% !!!!! I expect half of these fish don't even make it to the table they get pushed into the freezer and forgotten about and end up in the bin!!! A lot of these anglers are like children in a sweet shop they just have to take everything. There are also the anglers who sell or barter their catch who should be stopped too. It is not only Bream that should have bag limits Mr Spikey is hammered all summer long too!!!!!


But it will never work as we all know. Who would police a bag limit???





Bag limit for Bass. Seems to work in Ireland and parts of the USA. How do they police it? Getting the message across with local signage and press releases in sea/boat angler/angling shops etc would be a start here in the UK. Also charter skippers must take action to reduce these unsustainable catches.....they need reminding the Bream have come here to breed at this time of year !


Perhaps PBSBAC could set and example for all to follow ?




When i was on the ledge the other day with Trevor(wedger) we counted over 50!! boats out there, and I might add this is happening most week-ends, What with catch sizes, engine noise etc not to mention the ''speedy brigade'' i am not surprised that the have had enough!! and what was disturbing was that most of what i am counting is not ''charter boats'' it cant go on for ever!! Derek V. sad.gifweep.gif


Surely its about time the charter boat involved was named and shamed ?????????


Last time out we had 30+ good bream off the patch WE TOOK 3 HOME!!!!!!




this concern for conservation and sustainable fishing is surely a great advert for the club,


however part of me is thinking this initially would be best of discussed in one if the private areas of the forum? the anti angling brigade would love to be reading this kind of stuff and also the commercials subject to regulations


For those interested there has been talk about bag limits for recreational anglers at the Poole & District Sea Anglers Association for some time.


I do know that the Southern Sea Fisheries Officers, now called IFCA, would welcome a voluntary limit so they could set a bylaw and catch those unscrupulous anglers who are unlicensed to sell fish.


This is quite a contentious issue with some, as they feel they should be able to take whatever they wish whenever they like.


The other thing to remember is that the charter boat skippers would have to sign up to this as well. Many of their customers can live many miles away from the coast and when paying around


I know some skippers already set a higher size limit, I've know one who set it at 30cm.


It will be very difficult for the skipper to tell their customer who caught large male bream to put them back because they have caught 3 already. End of the day, they pay the skipper and if the skipper say you can't have this and you must do this, they simply go to another boat.


Unless more (most) skipper do it, it will be unenforcable.


I have booked a trip out on True Blue for the middle of July. I am sure I saw on his website that you dont take masses of fish home, we limit it and you put the rest back. It was for that reason I booked with him.


2 things,


1 ) Bag limits sound fine, but people who don't get out fishing very often and bring a large number of fish home ( assuming they can catch them ) will have a smaller impact on fish stocks than someone who is out 3 or 4 times per week.


2 ) Our M.D. from work frequently sees people fishing the shore of Holes Bay with 6 or more rods and they admit that they are targeting and selling Bass.


How do we police and stop this ? ? ? ?





How do we police and stop this ? ? ? ?




pretty much impossible to police. the only solution is to give each angler a seasons quota of fish they can take (maybe 50 bream per person per season) but that would be a non starter and impossible to manage properly.


It's more about changing peoples attitudes.


The policing is simple if bag limits are introduced.


If every recreational angler has a bag limit of "x" number of fish to take home and then if a bylaw is passed, a Fisheries Officer could then stop and search any boat for a fish count.


The problem is agreeing how many fish is anyone person allowed to take home in a day?


What if you were out on a multi-day trip, do you stop when you catch your quota?


If a fish is brought up from the depths and its swim bladder is blown, will it survive when you have to put it back?


I am sure there are many other problems to resolve but as has been stated before other countries have bag limits and even seasons so it is not insurmountable if there is enough willingness for it to succeed.




2 things,


1 ) Bag limits sound fine, but people who don't get out fishing very often and bring a large number of fish home ( assuming they can catch them ) will have a smaller impact on fish stocks than someone who is out 3 or 4 times per week.


2 ) Our M.D. from work frequently sees people fishing the shore of Holes Bay with 6 or more rods and they admit that they are targeting and selling Bass.


How do we police and stop this ? ? ? ?





Ask him to phone the fisheries when he sees them, they should respond as this is not legal.


Sam and I have done so in the past and they do try to act on this information.



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