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So today I decided to have a day out kayaking.

Up at the crack of sparrows and headed off to Kimmeridge for the first time afloat there. When I got there it was like a mill pond.

I headed out towards Chapmans Pool along Dorsets answer to Mount Rushmore

The sea state started to rapidly build and the swells were really worrying.Then over the vhf came a warning of live firing,first by a nearby warship,then the ranges. BOOOOM

I thought ,in a shaggy voice"Yikes,lets get outa here scooby"


Left Kimmeridge in rapidly building seas and headed for Poole

Decided to put in at Baitor and had a very choppy crossing over to Brownsea.After an hour of fishless fishing headed over to the quay

On the way came to the rescue of an upturned dinghy with a retired couple looking all in hanging on to the boat.He was one side trying to right it and unbeknown to him she was on the other side hanging on for all she was worth.I pulled up next to them in the kayak,she let go and the old feller was able to get the dinghy upright.There were a couple of charter boats to the rescue too.

They were on a date and I think it was a treat that he took her on his dinghy for the first(and probably last)time .

It didnt take too long in the sea to weaken them both more than they imagined.

Got to a very overcast quay and had a drift along the Sunseekers,said a few hellos to old workmates,and headed back.


A mayday came over the radio of a fishing boat sinking near Kimmeridge ,with two chaps taken to their liferaft. Fortunately they were rescued by a coastguard helo.Well. What a rough and tiring day at sea.


Well done on two or three fronts there Lofty....


The move from Kimmeridge...

The assistance to the dinghy...

AND a day out on the water...


Well done mate tongue.giftongue.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


cool.gif Cheers Dave. This is to the west of Kimmeridge.The photo doesnt do the lumpiness justice. Round about the spot where I took this I looked down on rocks about 3 feet below my yak,even though I was 50 feet from the shoreline. If anyone who hasn't taken there boat out along here before,keep your eye on the depth as well as the amazing scenery. I was very surprised. The warden told me most people head east back towards Poole for fishing. I went west on the flood in the knlowledge that if the sea beat my arms it would take me back to where I started.I will go again on a smaller tide with less wind and head east. cool.gif

user posted image

Once again thanks for the input. Its always welcome cool.gif


All good experience Lofty, do love that coastline. There's usually firing on the range during the week, it's announced on the VHF with weather reports. If you stray into the restricted area when firing the range warden boat may intercept you unless very close-in. Left is OK towards Chapmans Pool but the slightest southerly wind will put a surf over the ledges.

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