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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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A last minute decision that the weather for monday morning was going to be to good to miss had me texting the boss to say i was having the day off ,

I picked up paul(harnessboy) at 6.00am ,we shot down to evening hill to dig some bait then after dropping the yaks on the beach at durley chine parked for free on the clifftop road and after applying the suncream we launched at about 7.30am to a beautiful calm sea.

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Paul had just fitted his new f/f gps so with poole patch selected we paddled the 3 miles out to the mark . The wind had picked up a bit from the southeast as we started fishing , ,


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I was about 4 species down by the time i caught my first mackerel, paul on the other hand didnt have time to put the rods back in the ram mounts before he got another bite.

This was my only catch after missing nearly every bite with the bait stripped off , new hooks maybe ?


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We then paddled with the last of the flood to the end of bournemouth pier ,still a couple of miles out , had a bit of a laugh at anchor for half an hour then drifted into the pier to try for some plaice and turbot. .

It was about 12.30pm and the beach was packed , an easy surf onto the shore followed by a tough drag up the beach of bikini clad beauties got my heart pounding but it was all well worth it . .

A great morning out , i think paul has some pictures too





For those of you that know Ben, you will understand what a massive job it was trying to talk him into taking the day off on Monday javascript:emoticon(':rolleyes:'), but given the excellent weather forecast he just couldn't resist the charms of Poole Patch. This was only my second outing in the new scupper and with the new Garmin 451s fitted and i have to say it is quite impressive. Ben was kind enough to pick me up at around 0600 hrs and we sped off to dig some worm, 20 minutes later we had plenty, so it was off to Durley to rig the yaks. The sea state was lake like, and beautiful.

I punched up Poole Patch and we set off with very little in the way other craft in sight, not sure about you engine borne lads but it never ceases to amaze me what a stunning place we are fortunate enough to live in, especially with an early morning start the views are wonderful. I digress, it was a pleasant enough paddle out to our mark where we found a couple of buoys to tie off to and down went the first bait. I decided to use squid on a single 1/0 circle in the vain hope of my first Bream from the yak, bugger me within 2 minutes the first rod, a 210 uglystick bent nicely and up came the first fish of the day, a small bream similar in size to the one Ben got later. I then had trouble keeping up with the rods nodding before i could re-bait the other one next up were two Mackies on the baited feathers then a doggy, a couple more mackies another 3 dogs and to my utter surprise my first ever starry, two new species from the yak in one day, can't be bad. The starry was only around 15 inches long but it was new to me. There after i was into dogfish city, so when Ben suggested we take the tide down to Bournemouth pier i was happy to oblige. The wind had picked up a little but was still light, once there i anchored up all too close to Ben, some way off the pier and we just kept bumping into each other no matter what we did. Had a right laugh trying to keep out of each others way whilst retrieving the anchors. We moved in closer to the pier and ben brought out his secret weapon, a 15 inch long rag that he couldn't believe never got touched, neither of us had any luck so we up anchored and drifted on the tide back to our launch site at Durley. Thanks to Bens plan going like a dream we both thoroughly enjoyed our trip. Our only mistake was not taking the sails for the return to Durley but as i said, a great morning out with good company. Thanks Ben.


pictures to follow


Good to see you back Ben.....[ notice you are no longer in the fold .....only shows you as FORUM member not CLUB member ....... that's a shame mate ]


I have always envied the yakkers ability to launch and recover almost any where !!

Keep those reports flowing Ben !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

cool.gif How did you get through those waves laugh.gif Last time i launched I nearly didn't bother sick.gif It had better lol like that in Swanage tomorrow cool.gif

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