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No you are the Virus!!!




Please be aware of a call from a none native engliish speaker who may advise they are from Microsoft and they have detected that your pc has a virus......


They will try to connect to your PC and install a nasty bit of software to copy your credit card details when you purchase something online!


The details that were passed from a friend, the call came from 00 253 820 308 - from Djibouti, Microsoft are big there I guess!!!!! The return number to call was a uk number +44 2032872600 - a Mr Peter Smith who sounded very unlikly to be called Smith! laugh.gif


Microsoft will never call you! If you call them and log a fault and \ or problem then you might get a call from them - though that is more unlikey!!!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


Beaware and don't give the bu99ers anything!




they have been calling me for 3 months now - we have great conversations!


I have really tried the m'python style with good effect, and more recently elements of eddie izzard ..........


the former -


your computer has been send M'soft error reports.......


no it hasn't


yes it has




latter -


your computer has been sending M'soft error reports......


has it?




oh good


not good


it isn't?




have you ever been to Australia?





simply hours and hours of fun (for those that have the time)


Had one like this some while ago, they got short shrift. Very persistant though. The had a connection with an online company selling virus control programmes.



Had one like this some while ago, they got short shrift. Very persistant though. The had a connection with an online company selling virus control programmes.



this ones very specific Terry - your computer has sent a Microsoft Error Report and we are Microsoft and will sort out it's problems for you online; please go to this website and we will be able to fix it for you..........as Rob has said.



I find that either trying to take a pizza order or (even better and more confusing for caller) trying to order a pizza from them, works well. Especially when you get the "but i called you", "no you didnt" bit! But Jo tells me to hang up!!! sad.gif


I had one about 3 months ago; I told the caller I wanted his number as I was going to pass it on to the police .... he proceeded to give me a totally fake number and ended it with "You F&*^ing mother F&*^er" .... I was gobsmacked!!


We didnt continue with the call huh.gif


That sounds like the one they caught my Brother in Law with.

I could'nt ask him about it as the Mother in law was listening and she " tends to go off on one "

He's changed his credit cards and done a complete re-install of everything on the computer. ( Hours of fun )


Watch the B*stards - they'll steal the scabs off your knees.





Get those calls all the time just tell them the person they need to speak to is going to be free in a couple of minutes can they hang on..............................................................then just leave them waiting........................its their phone bill biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Had one the other day. Went t6hrough the waffle and he asked if I could see the webpage I had been asked to navigate to. Told him - "oh do I need an internet connection" smile.gif

Then told them to wait 10 mins while I connected and was then asked if I was on the web page, told them I had clicked on the link but my PC was telling me it was a nasty piece of software, I told them I had installed it.

They then asked for the 9 digit number which was displayed, so gave him a made up nu,mber at which point I could hear his PC bleep as he tried to connect to my non existent pc !

He pondered and the tried again asking for the number again. He asked what was my PC doing - so told him it had told me someone was attacking bit and I should call the police .....

He hung up smile.gif



Yep, I had all that, Duncan, and when I wouldn't play ball, they tried to send me to this site. After a lot of research, I located it in the UK. Reported everything with my 'evidence' to Microsoft who couldn't have been less interested.



cool.gif My favourite way to deal with annoying calls is to tell them "I'll just transfer you through to our hanging up department "......."thank you sir" .... Click cool.gif

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