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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As mentioned to some (endlessly...it seemed) at Sundays weigh in..


On Saturday I discovered my boat was missing from her swinging mooring. On closer inspection there was no sign of her in the Marina, so by this time I was getting a bit worried.


A short scan with the clubs binoculars, and there is something with a blue hull over in the wych channel, half a mile away. A quick phone call to Charlie, and he confirms the boat was reported not on her mooring.


So a high speed run in the RIB out to the wych, and straight away I saw the engine down, so I knew she hadnt been moved there by anyone in the club. Step on board to be greeted by the cabin window on the deck, and a few engine bolts on the tray.

Sure enough, no power to the engine, but it didnt matter, as 50L of fuel and the tanks have gone so I wasnt going anywhere.. In getting into the locker, they have ripped the security fitting off its fixings.


Bizarrely, the cabin door stood up to the jemmy or screw driver, and was still locked, but the window had been removed by undoing the screws. On entry to the cabin I knew the lockers had been gone through and the garmin 250C fishfinder and Navman 5600 tracker/plotter had been taken. Who ever did this must have used their 'young lad' to get in through the hole in the door left by the window.


Worse is that this thieving will be perpetuated as this lad grows up, because he's seen how easy they can get away with it!! mad.gifmad.gif


When I got back into the haven, I had the engine cover off to reveal in a few moments that at least the CDI unit and regulator have been taken off. Obviously 'stolen' to order.


So now I'm filling in the claim form answering questions like, "what precautions will you or have you taken to prevent a re-occurrence?" Short of saying something very rude and to the point about removing the equivalent weight of dangly objects as was taken from me from the scum who did this, I'm at a loss to describe what I'll do in such a small space on the form...


Learning points are a good start and to be a bit more constructive...





KILL ...



sorry forgot...my train of thought mad.gifblink.gif


It shouldnt be easy to remove a boat from her mooring and tow away - any ideas?

- fit a tracker linked to GPS ?? - I've seen these.

- Fit a safety chain and padlock ?? - probably wouldnt open when I wanted to use the boat.

- Fit a camera/ CCTV - wouldnt have helped at night unless infra red, and wouldnt have stopped the thieving actually happening.

- Step up the Harbour patrols at night using volunteers boats - couple of hours each.


Leave fuel and other lockers unlocked and dont leave excess fuel

Take plotter and other valuble instruments home


Fix high value parts on your engine with security bolts (hollow head torqs?)


Cabin windows were easily removed in less than 5 minutes with a cross head screwdriver. Make these harder to remove by bolting through, or use security screws, or have screws on the inside, not the outside.


Any other thoughts welcome.


And as suggested by the insurers, there is a reward for anyone who recovers items or passes on information leading to the recovery of stolen engine parts from my Yamaha 80, or recovers the Plotter / FF.


I'm estimating to replace with new will be >2K, let alone the labour, and I doubt the insurers will give me that.









Posted (edited)

Sorry to read the bad news Paul


Regarding mooring security, did/do you use a chain to the bollard?

My thought is a rope would be easily cut. Could the chain be extended in the anchor locker and padlocked to a point in there. This would keep the padlock out of the elements. Perhaps a combination lock would be better as no key to be lost! You can wrap the chain in canvas to prevent chaffing of the chain to the boat.


I am not sure how to secure the engine hood cover apart from a thick stainless plate over the lever/catch.


Security screws are the cheapest option for the windows I suspect.


Re the electronics, have they been etched with your post code or written using ultra violet pen? Best to take off each time or have them permanently built in.


Additional thought, could you fit an alarm & flashing lights if the cabin door or lockers are opened like a burglar alarm system which would need a code to turn on and off.

Found this http://www.maplin.co.uk/t22-b-boat-gps-tra...g-device-398824 if it helps.


All seems a lot of hassle just to stop some thieving scumbag from helping themselves to others hard earned pride & joy! mad.gif


Keel haul them (slowly) if they ever found the culprits! mad.gif


If I can help in any way give me a call.




Edited by Coddy



I am gutted for you!


I can't think of a worse thing than having your boat pinched and your personal s stuff damaged or stolen.


Heres to a swift return to normality and recovery from this sad situation.


Good Luck



Am gutted for you Paul. Hope you can get it sorted relatively painlessly, and tighten up security too.


Is there anything we can do as a club to reduce this risk ? Get a security expert to give a talk on our realistic options perhaps?


Hope getting it all back together goes smoothly, and you can get out with the cod and whiting.





Sorry to hear about the theft - I cant imagine how you must feel!


Whilst at home I regularly help out in the Poole Harbour Watch program, and really feel that this is the only way we can stop the thieving scum...

Could you perhaps chain from your mooring buoy? (though bolt cutterable..) or a way to immobilise the engine when you are not there?


The problem with an alarm, is the size of poole harbour, and the lack of any next door neighbour to report anything dry.gif , though it may startle someone...


I hope it gets sorted okay with the insurers!



Sorry to hear about your bad news Paul,The only deterant for them bas***ds is pain or the fear of getting caught .As we all know getting caught by the old bill is no deterent cos I dont believe judges live on the same plannet as the rest of us.Them and there barresters ,lawyers and solicitors are too busy just creaming a very nice lifestyle with leagal aid funded buy the taxpayer..


I think teckno will help,with almost everybody carrying a mobile these days an automatic message if someone messes with your boat.


I suspect we could all be more aware and look out for anyone aboard

other boats and make a point of chatting to them.. If they are up to no good they will give abuse or get very evasive.


Personally Id be in favour of booby traps.but if it didnt finish them off they would probably sue you.



Thanks Guys for all the comments and helpful advice.


I posted this public to give everyone a 'heads up'. I think the PIR is a great tool. One call to the Harbour master or Police would get a response hopefully or to the Boatwatch brigade.


Certainly Police should know who to contact on boat watch as they may be on the scene faster than the police can manage....


I like the idea Mike of a club security meet - some stuff is pretty specific to the animal though.


I have a wire stop - the sort for cabling motorcycles plastic coated - which I use for the tender. I could get this onto the chain below the rope strop and lock it inside the anchor well. That wouldnt add much time to my dropping the mooring - provided I can get the lock off. rolleyes.gif


Anyway, I feel that I transport enough clutter each time I go out, without carrying all the fuel and my instruments... so will just reduce the amount of fuel held on board.


always a shame but there really isn't much you can do against someone who has gone 'prepared'


the more you do the more damage will be caused - the equation is that simple.


it used to be the case that a lot of the instances in Poole were Thursday night, for selling Fri and feeding a weekend habit - but these seem to have reduced a bit.


now it's generally associated with a specific target such as your engine parts, or triggered by 'on-show' items.


having been 'done' 5 times in the last 10 years you have my sympathy, although the only time they tried to take the boat they caused more damage trying than actually succeding - ingnition thingy & instrument panel destroyed.


touch wood it's quietened down over more recent years!


Let's see if we can help prevent more thefts/damage between us.


Looking at this simplistically I can see several things we could all do:

- Minimise valuables on board when unattended;

- Visual deterants (Warning Alarm signs, extra shutters, big padlocks, etc);

- Fit noisy alarms (PIRs etc) to stop them in their tracks (or possibly text you?)

- Improved physical security (big locks, no visible screw heads, toughened glass etc)

- Improved marking (etching, indelible / UV pens, microdots, DNA water - on EVERYTHING left)

- Look out for other club members (location of other known club boats)

- Challenge suspicious activity, taking pictures on mobiles

- Inform Harbour control, Police etc (VHF, mobile)


Surely between us we can do something?


Anything to add to the above?




I had no idea Paul, but thinking back you did'nt look very happy on Sunday night.


I am so sorry that a lot of people think it's acceptable to steal the things We have to work for.


Good luck.






PS Maybe they should bring these back ! ! !



Paul don't think words can express what is now becoming a regular effing pain in the arse.

Wish I had an answer to how we could all combat-ter these scum



Having been lucky enough to have been aboard Imagine, I am devastated to hear that she has suffered at the hands of one or more lowlife scumbag.


I think the issue with making the boat ultra-secure is, like Duncan said, the f***ers will only smash it up more while trying to get in. Especially seeing as in this case they had moved her away from her mooring in order to give themselves more time to break into her.


So beyond a normal level of security, making her more secure is only really likely to result in having more to fix in the event that someone takes a fancy to her- unless you encase the whole thing in stainless steel plate...


I guess you could install something which makes her impossible to start, and therefore move- a hidden switch, or immobliser? But she could have been towed away...


Something to secure her to the mooring seems like a very good idea. A big pair of boltcutters will see to most chains, but the very thick motorcycle cable locks and good quality D-locks can only be cut with a disc cutter.


I very much like the PIR alarms which text you/Police/Boatwatch/Marina Office. You would then know if somone was aboard without permission, and even stand a chance of catching them at it.


You can also get a GPS (instead of PIR) variation on this which will text you (etc) if the boat moves, and tells you where it has moved to. I think this is meant for caravans etc, and would need to allow for swinging on the mooring (or you'd get fed up with the tests quite rapidly!), but again, gives a chance of catching the perpetrators in the act. Someone we know has this and I am sure he will give you the lowdown.


Marking everything with UV pen or microdots (and putting stickers all over the place to say that you've done so) can be a deterrent, but sadly there is still a market for marked kit. Scumbags only nick it because some other scumbag (or unwitting ebayer) is happy to buy it off them. You'll only get your marked stuff back if the Police happen to find your stuff amongst a big stash.


This happening to Imagine is food for thought for everyone I expect.


It's a shame we can't set up a nice bait boat in the harbour and rig it with Claymores...


If I can do anything to help, just say the word.





would need to allow for swinging on the mooring


My Boat tracker alerts once it moves somthing like 100 meters from set location.


The only issue with these things is battery drain, a decent solar panel \ little wind turbine could quite happily keep it going.


I can also call it and it replies with an sms of its coordinates that has a link and will bring up a map on most smart phones.


But as I said, battery drain is the issue, esp if boat not used for long periods.


All the best Paul,





Hi Paul


Bad news about your boat


at least you got most of it back!!


It is difficult making arrangements to deter intruders


I had a building in boscombe and put in alarms, religeously locked all internal doors


so next time some one broke in they used the fire extinguishers to smash the doors breaking the door frames and walls


repairing the fabric of the building cost 15 x times more than the TV and computer they stole


insurers nee to acknowledge that sometimes it is better to let thieves take a few items but leave the fabric of the boat intact


unless they have a chainsaw then all is lost!!!




Paul we are really sorry to hear this news. We know exactly how you are feeling and hearing about your theft brings it all back about ours. There just doesnt seem to be enough done to stop these low life's and nothing ever happens to them when they are caught. The marine police don't work at night how mad is that it's time there were night patrols out, with some one watching radar to track boat movement it's just to bloody easy.


Hope you get things sorted quickly with your insurer.


Once again Paul we feel for you.



Colin and Bobi

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