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Posted (edited)

I am sorry lads but here we go!! Mr Shotter, I at first onlyTHOUGHT of you as an ignorant self indulgant not terribly inteligent person. Since reading your last few utterances you have REMOVED ALL DOUBT! I am a newish member of PBASC making and ejoying the company of new friends and was until your ridiculous postings enjoying this forum, Please go away and upset someone else with your crap. Derek,V. mad.gifsick.gifsick.gif

Edited by codpiece

Not a fan Derek?? rolleyes.gif


Bob, surely you can see that you are "flogging a dead horse" here. You upset many with your earlier posts and there doesnt seem likely there is any way back for you.


I personally was impressed with your passion but i find you TOO heavy and TOO political for my "hobby".


Whether you throw things back or stock your freezer is your call, whether you want to lobby (or name call) people in power again is your call, but me? I will do things my way and carry on in blissful ignorance smile.gif And I think the majority on here are the same. (Are they ph34r.gifph34r.gif )

Guest Bob Shotter
  Little Sal said:
Not a fan Derek?? rolleyes.gif


Bob, surely you can see that you are "flogging a dead horse" here. You upset many with your earlier posts and there doesnt seem likely there is any way back for you.


I personally was impressed with your passion but i find you TOO heavy and TOO political for my "hobby".


Whether you throw things back or stock your freezer is your call, whether you want to lobby (or name call) people in power again is your call, but me? I will do things my way and carry on in blissful ignorance smile.gif And I think the majority on here are the same. (Are they ph34r.gifph34r.gif )

You are dead right Little Sal you can lead a hoarse to water and all that. Name callers a plenty but not one here interested in trying to prove me wrong. Toddle pip


Again well done for posting updates. It says a lot when one poster causes most disagreement.


I am concerned we will see a crash in the numbers of bass due to the pair trawling.



Just to let everyone know - I have written to all the councillors named on the link from PJ. I am for\support the MLS increase and that is what I have advised them. I was going to write just a note - but it ended up as a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrb!!!



  • 2 weeks later...

First of all many thanks for allowing me to post here.


Merry Christmas to all of you.


Just wanted to say how sorry I am that your members have had the unfortunate experience of having to put up with Bob Shotter and his special ways of trying to destroy angling unity. Bob normally leaves that sort of rubbish to guys like me who refuse to follow him, instead putting my best efforts into supporting the AT on WSF.


On another site, when getting a piece of his own medicine, Bob admitted he lost the battle with you guys saying something like: Come on guys I was on a hiding to nothing over there, everyone of them is AT to the core.


So keep it up guys. biggrin.gif


I am starting to lose count of the amount of angling forums he is banned from posting, even CEFAS no longer want him, if only he would listen to anglers instead of dictating to them.


On the subject of BASS and the MLS, SSAN (Sussex Sea Angling Network) held a meeting with Ian Misslebrook on 14th November in Newhaven, East Sussex. It took all of two minutes to realise the dedication Ian has for the protection of bass. If only we had other organisations like BASS to help protect our varied marine species. Maybe one day we could have national recreational fisheries to be proud off.


The one concern I have with MLS is that if we increase the MLS of bass, it will not stop the bass from being caught in the first place, simular to Bob's thoughts I guess without the backstabbing. In communication with commercial fishermen on WSF and in meetings with a local commercial fisherman in my area, Sussex, I am starting to wonder if the whole issue of MLS is the wrong way forward.


If as expected within the changes to the CFP, there will be a catch and land all policy for our commercial fishermen, would MCS (Minimum Catching Size) be the better approach (as in Norway), to protecting all juvenile species. MCS basically means increasing the mesh sizes on all forms of netting/trawling. In a mixed fishery that we seem to have throughout the UK so many species would benefit by introducing this single new policy. It would be hard for RSA to move away from MLS as it has always been the norm, with most clubs enforcing a higher MLS than their local SFC'S, now IFCA's. The boat angling club I belong to has a MLS for bass of 4lb in competitions, even when fishing outside competitions we still try to promote a healthy MLS.


Just one point to mention, during SSAN's meeting with Ian Misslebrook it was clear that all agreed an increase in CF mesh sizes and other localised byelaws would aid the BASS proposal and without them in place it would take so much longer for the BASS proposal to start having a positive effect on bass populations within the SIFCA jurisdiction limits.







Sussex Sea Angling Network





Thanks for your post, good to see you on here, i shall look more into the MCS.


RE MLS, dont you think that if the commercials (Nets etc) cant sell watch they catch they will either move to where bigger fish are found or increase the mesh size anyway?


No-one wants to work for nothing.


Same apples to catch and land policy, they will want to maximise profits so will adjust accordingly without us having to ditate it and complicate the proposal




Hi Paul,


The commercails themselves have been asking for mesh size increases for a long time, yet the EU refuse. Under current EU CFP regulations should commercail fishermen be seen with larger mesh sizes it is deemed that they are fishing for different species outside of their allocated quota.


Your right no-one wants to work for nothing so they will try their best to work around any system put in place.


No need to complicate the Bass proposal, they know what is best for their members, they have a good team. Same as there is no need to complicate any CF proposals already in place. However, RSA have to realise what is going to happen within the next couple of years, we are being looked at very closely and to be honest Paul IMO we RSA need to take responsibility for our activities. Unfortunately that means each region like yours and mine need to get organised, we need to be talking to eachother, we need to be finding anglers within each region, AT members and non members to spend time together to prepare for the future. We need to find the information out there and give RSA the opportunity to make up their own minds and then support them. That basically is what SSAN is all about.


Everyone says what a great victory the Bexhill issue was for SSAN, yet no-one really understands that without the help from everyone including the AT and fish legal, the two thousand RSA signatures from all parts of the country, SSAN and the Bexhill RSA could have lost that battle. I for one simply cannot understand why RSA will not unite until there is an immediate threat on their doorstep, so many threats to our activities could be removed at the early stages just by simply working together and talking to the marine governing bodies.


Take Dungeness for example and the proposal to close the beach, it's great to see so many RSA getting involved and I wish there was more SSAN could do to help. When you look behind the proposal you will see that this problem started when NE stopped the EA from moving the shingle to prevent errosion to the beaches, an activity that the EA had been doing for many years without causing a problem to angling activity. NE wanted to protect the plant and insect life as well as nesting birds. None of which were in trouble anyway, yet they stopped the EA. Now if RSA, in the past, had decided to work alongside the EA in their defence of shingle replacement, instead of keeping under the radar, this problem may not have risen in the first place.


In the past the main threats to RSA came from Natural England but now we have to defend ourselves against the EU and the CFP, and all the green organisations and governing bodies put together, what chance we have will be determined by how strong RSA are in the future and how much support we give to the Angling Trust.


Sorry for my ramblings but there is something to think about for all of us.



  • 4 weeks later...

  alun j. said:
if you will the fact that by simply handling a fish you are condemning it to an almost certain death as you will have damaged its mucus membrane




........can't be true..........or tagged fish would never get caught again !!




  Rob @ December 08 said:
Indeed Alun!


One of the bass tagging programs caught the same bass 6 times \ possibly over 6 years (but I am not 100 % on the time scale).


Also, there are a few Carp out there that our Freswater Counterparts catch multiple times, year in year out!






Hi Gents,


Sincerest apologies for this rather 'late' post . . . I did try to post sometime ago (12th December last year to be precise) but found I wasn't a member and had to wait to be 'accepted'. The acceptance was prompt but I was by then rather busy with other things and didn't get round to posting. Anyway, enough of my waffle, much of the following was posted on The Lure Forum as a response to a query about where bass 'go'. However, the information is relevant here as it proves that handling bass and then returning them is not 'the kiss of death' as some would have us believe. I did consider posting the link to the Lure Forum (the link is also here as well!) but as perhaps many on this Forum aren't members it didn't seem helpful to post a link to a thread some wouldn't be able to view.


Between late 2000 and the end of 2001 I was involved in the joint Cefas/BASS tagging which took place around most of Britain; both shore and boat anglers took part.


The most interesting thing which came out of the tagging, at least for me, was establishing, without doubt, that at least some bass return year on year to, for want of a better term, their summer haunts. There is a great deal of more detailed information in the links I


A very good line of evidence, that the belief held by some [and often quoted] that there is no point in tag and release, as they all die anyway is a bit far from the truth.


Not of course that the commercial sector would want to infleunce the decision regarding bass sizes in there favour by clouding the issue.


"Long live Billy"





The Poole and District Sea Angling Association will be hosting an open meeting at the North Haven Yacht Club on Thursday March 22nd



Nigel Horsman will be presenting the Proposal to increase the minimum landing size for BASS


This is open to all

  • 3 weeks later...

The Poole and District Sea Angling Association ( represents 19 local clubs)

are hosting an open meeting to discuss the Minimum landing size for Bass on Thursday March 22nd next to Poole Harbour.

Nigel Horsman will be presenting the proposal to increase the minimum landing size for Bass to 48cms

This is an excellent opportunity for fisherman, anglers and the public to learn and ask questions about the issues relating to this species.

The meeting which starts at 7:30pm is open to all and will be at held at the North Haven Yacht Club which is situated in Poole Harbour close to Sandbanks

Venue- http://www.nhyc.org.uk/

Map- http://www.nhyc.org.uk/where_are_we.htm

Further enquiries can be sent to:

Pete Evans


Poole and District Sea Angling Association

01202 569625



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