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Just to protect my reputation the calmunious report of me being knackered after 5 minutes of tussling with a big blonde are much exagerated - I could go on for Hours mad.gifbiggrin.gif !!!





What can seem like 5 mins whilst in a tussle can often be only a few seconds, but I admire that attitude Peter, keep it up! Oh er! laugh.gif

Is Jim on holiday???? biggrin.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

Every day's a holiday for me Graham laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Were you expecting some kind of " Sarky comment " ? ? wink.gif Who Me ? ? ?


Nah, just been a bit busy.



I must try harder - - - I must try harder - - - I must try harder - - - I must try harder - - - tongue.gif





Come on Jim, tell the truth, you were in the potting shed. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

You could say " Jim's gone to POT "

or maybe that's just my Belly. laugh.gif




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