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tongue.giftongue.gif Yep, A beautiful fish indeed, a tad over 4.5lbs. This time of year seems to see the wrasse at their best, must be the feeding frenzy stocking up for the winter. I have read that divers have seen wrasse hibernating in rock crevasses during the winter months. They certainly disappear but whether its hibernation or an exodus to deeper(warmer) water I dont know. I do know that there are some lunkers out there with a penchant for a big crab bait and I am only too happy to oblige. BB cool.gif

Nice one billy - I just need to find a spare day to come and have a bash! When are you thinking of going next?


Also, do I need velvet swimmers or will any hard backs do?


I might be able to do a trip next friday??


Lovely pair of lips. I hope you gave her a big kiss before going back.


Nice one BB. wink.gif


I know we keep harping on about conservation, but I do have a hard time seeing some of the mag pictures of people who have taken their prize wrasse home just to photograph it in the back garden. weep.gif


These are such beautiful fish and there's no reason to kill them. There're not good eating.


I know that yours would have gone straight back, and I applaude you for that and your approach to fishing in general. I think you have the right balance. smile.gif





tongue.gif We had velvets, hermits and hardbacks. To be honest all the big fish, apart from one on worm, came on hermit. Fiddlers are the no.1 but are difficult to get. Personally speaking I would be happy with a bucket of hermits. The only thing that bothered me was that the fishing can be in very shallow water and cracking open the shells is a very noisy business. I think that I am going to devise a means to shell them ashore and carry them as individuals or small groups, they are very aggressive once out of their shells. Great time saver too. I am not to sure on the fishing dates yet as it is down to my boat partner and his painkillers(back and shoulder pain) I can use the boat whenever I want but it is better with a couple of us. I would like to take my son again so we will need to pick a calm day. Will keep you informed. BB cool.gifcool.gif PS Just a little word of warning. I use 40lb vanish with 3/0 circle and got snapped clean as a whistle a couple of times so do not use stainless hooks and bump up the trace to 50lb.

Billy - Im happy to bring BW down, so if you want a trip out, no problem.


As I said next friday is a possible, failing that the week after, any day except Thurs....

:The only thing that bothered me was that the fishing can be in very shallow water and cracking open the shells is a very noisy business.


Same problem in the Solent after smoothies. I use one of those weighted brass-ended priests that the game anglers use for trout. Tuck the whelk shell into the left hand and the priest is pretty accurate to use, breaks up the shell nicely without too much risk of smacking your own thumb instead and no real transmitted noise because it isn't sat on the boat gunnel. Dunno whether Mr Hermit will take the opportunity to graze on a finger though, I've never handled live ones.

Curiously, the priest is useless in its designed role. With a rolling boat and a large, lively fish it is difficult to be accurate and after a very painful attempt to humanely dispatch my own hand, I went back to my crude but effective home-made alternative.




I know it can't be that easy - but have you tried putting them into fresh water? I am sure someone somewhere told me they simple abandon home. You only need to pop a few at a time to a bucket of freash as you require them too so you don't end up with a bucket of homeless hermits doing battle!


Bit tricky if you are using dead hermits - I dont think they will move far!!


Seriously - I find no need to smash the shells on dead ones, just tug gently and they will slide out. Live ones are a different matter and I would suggest that Duncans method would work.




well done billy.....and theres bigger down there!, thats some wrasse spot youve got biggrin.gif

on the hermit front if there dead I find just a gentle pull on the antenas,pulls them at just the right angle to slide them out, not the claws wich normally just snap off! wink.gif


tongue.gif I only use live hermits and to be honest I have tried all the usual methods, fresh water, hot water, heat, but none is very convincing. Cannot beat the hammer. Adam, Not sure about a weekday but a weekend is OK with notice. BB cool.gif

Not to much to add about getting them out of the shells quietly.


hold one in the hand with a glove or rag, then whack it with a hammer or even a large weight, used to be the prefered shallow water method.


would love to get a good reliable source of live ones




As we have discovered already, there are less and less hermits, reason being a shortage of ready made new homes, ie, emptied whelk sheels.


The whelk industry just take them out of the sea and just ground down the empty shells for whatever uses. If at all possible I suggest we don't smash the shell and just pop them back into the sea.



Ive been getting a few hermits from one the the trawlers out of poole. Im keeping them in my fishtank, as pets!

he said theres hardly any around at the moment. Is there a hermit season?



I went up the Andes mountains once to see a hermit that knew everythig....


I asked him "what is life all about"


And he answered,


And I replied


"what? just a bowl of cherries?"




PS if you don't get it your too bloody young to remember '50s crooners!!

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