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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Correct Brian, results! I should still be sleeping! Got the boat out and home for 22:00, will post results etc sometime! Work today for me with PBSBAC Comittee meeting this evening, maybe I should take a day off afer the Open!




A day off would be well deserved Rob


Well done and thanks for organising and running the Club Open Competition








Many thanks to Rob and his helpers as well as those unseen who always work behind the scenes to make things such a great success..



Unseen indeed, didn't even see them myself! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Only joking! Thanks to all those that helped! And indeed took part!


I almost makes the effort worth while!





The Bull Huss is held by Steve Lane who was skipper on the day for FairLady.


Darin Toomer the captor is to the left of Steve in the photo, facing the camera, well done that man!




I've only just managed to catch up...

Well done everyone who entered, even more well done to those who managed to catch a 50% (or greater) fish in less than ideal conditions and thanks to everyone who came and supported the weigh-in and prizegiving! cool.gif

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