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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Wanted to spend a day trying for shark ever since we lost one a few years ago.Mal,Martin(branco) and me are going to give it a go,although the tides have made it very unsociable .We will have to go out Friday evening and be back in by 4pm Saturday, so we will anchor up somewhere Friday night for some bottom/bait fishing.

We have begged borrowed and stole some HD gear off of club members.........thanks guys,onion sacks and mincer at the ready and some traces that I have had for a while are all at the ready. 

I will post whatever the outcome providing we don't all fall asleep from the "Christmas Eve" excitement as Mal,s wife Laura puts it 



Have a great time chaps! Looking forward to a good read on Sunday.............................ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............grunt....... grone   etc..etc...




Sounds like fun! hope you have better luck with the sharks than Mark and I last year!, You never know you may raise a Mako! :D I'm out Friday night to, The weather looks amazing :)


Friday night looking good, but Saturday looks really unpleasant now, with Sunday windy, and next week very unsettled. Shame that good spell seems to have gone totally.


Good luck with weather and fish!




I wish you the very best of luck.


I've had a few goes for Shark a couple of years ago in the Rips and mid channel. Closest I got was hooking up on one on a ballooned live bait only to lose after a few minutes after it went mental, it broke cut line about 20ft up, well beyond the 12ft or so wire trace. From the look of the break it had bitten the line though, really weird. I couldn't keep a tight line on the fish. I have had big shark in other parts of the world and never had one fight like it.




Had something massive hit a bait last November on Court Jester, and even full drag on an Avet XS couldn't slow it. Neal also had Dogfish Dave onboard who was spooled on 300m of 50lb braid in a single run of about 2 minutes. 


They are out there!




Friday evening eventually got off the mud at 9.30pm but we didn't waste the waiting time with prep of macy for the onion sacks.

With Mal on bouy watch across the ledge with the spot light and beyond we put the hook down in the middle of Poole bay and put some baits down.After a ray and about 4 conger largest over forty I put my head down for 3 hours and got up at 4am when Martin and Mal informed me they had a busy night with 10 or so rays plus conger and pout.After a cuppa more mackerel,bacon rolls and lots more mackerel we set off all be it at only 14knts max.I wasn't going to stop and try to fix as we had a schedule to keep and now this meant we would be late but we plodded on and after what should of taken us half the time we arrived at our mark south of St Cathrines.

Started putting lines out and we were treated to mackerel being chased on the surface all lines in,chum trail with mincer and 2 onion sacks.Its not really a sit back and wait,as the mincing/ chum is constant,feathering and monitoring and adjusting the two baits we had just off bottom.It would be easier on right place right tide to anchor ,ready to be buoyed off.We had a conger ,lost a few tope and caught a few tope as second best.In between I cleaned the fuel pick up which gave us a couple more knots and while doing this I noticed the bilge pump hadn't been working so Mal hand pumped it.We tried numerous drifts until the tide was taking us at 5.5knts at which point we headed home early as we were all knackered,apart from Mal who is like the Duracell Bunny.He went fishing Friday on his own boat with his brother then on mine Friday night......all night and he hardly even sits down.........whatever you're on Mal I need some 😃thanks for steering the boat as well when I fell asleep at the wheel😱😱😱.

It was a hard 16 odd hours on the boat but enjoyable with fantastic company and a couple of PB,s broken,thanks guys















Good try lads, and well done on the PBs.

Looks like the chainsaw massacre has taken place on board!!


Lucky it was calm with all that weight up top Nige.

Like you say its a fun day but none stop.


Theres always next time, we could buddy up and try to surround them!


Hope its not a major proplem with the boat.




That Tope looks very good. The club record is only 50 lbs.

nice report and you'll have em one day



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


Well done guys


Sounds like a very busy trip that was enjoyed by all. Some great fish caught to, did you weigh the tope?


Hope that the boat problem can be found and sorted out easily, I know Nigel will not be happy until it is


You have me thinking about the smaller tides next weekend now



Well done guys


Sounds like a very busy trip that was enjoyed by all. Some great fish caught to, did you weigh the tope?


Hope that the boat problem can be found and sorted out easily, I know Nigel will not be happy until it is


You have me thinking about the smaller tides next weekend now


Charlie I believe nigel sorted the boat today, fuel starvation I think



Boat sorted today.....bilge pump replaced with the largest one they do at force 4 now works on auto and override

Lack of power.......gave this a lot of thought while having a lay in until 8am.......eliminate fuel feed for faults,if that didn't do it get the fuel pump bench tested and if that didn't work leg off as possible fault internally causing a high resistance????

After changing the bilge pump I started on fuel system first I took off the Racal filter ,bowl was clean then I tried the primer on the top and it wouldn't pump............it can't be this easy can it? So I bypassed the Racal because if it doesn't pump it might let air in and wormed my way out past the festivities on Mudeford key out into the chop......sweet she is singing again

Ill get a new one this week from hyphose



I'd be up for another shark hunt with buddy boats......


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