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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi. Firstly thanks for the support we have received from club members to date.  From conversations I have had its probably worth just clarifying the charity registration number issue.


We are desperate to reach the financial target of £5,000 turnover set by the Charity Commission.  Only then will they issue any charity with a number.   Here is an extract from their website. 


"Can we register as a charity if our income is less than £5,000?


Usually, the Charity Commission does not register charities with an income of less than £5,000. This is purely to reduce the regulatory burden on smaller charities - they otherwise receive all the benefits of charitable status. - See more at: http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/frequently-asked-questions/faqs-about-registering-a-charity/can-we-register-as-a-charity-if-our-income-is-less-than-£5,000/#sthash.9D0KESeI.dpuf "


Understandably those that are not aware of this rule will always question a charity that does not have a charity number. However, as the Commission point out "you do not have to register to be a charity but you do need to be a charity (>£5,000 turnover) to register." 


Frustratingly despite only being a few months old we are very close to this funding requirement (literally less than £1,000 short of £5,000).  Once we hit it we are set up to exceed all other Commission requirements regarding Governing Documents, accounting and Trustees.  When we reach target the Commission will take up to 3 months to administer the request (very frustrating) before issuing the number.  This administration resource shortfall is the real reason they are not interested in the thousands of small but legitimate Charities.


In the meantime we are currently registering with the HMRC for charity tax status but again this is likely to take a few more weeks before they have completed things from their end.


I will keep you all updated on the above as the wheels slowly grind on.  While we are all waiting I am very happy to provide copies of our Governing Document and an accounting report for the club committee to go over so that all can feel comfortable with Heroes On The Water. 


I hope that has cleared rather than muddied the waters.  If you want to know more please call me on 07946 814446 and I will be very happy to discuss and clarify any points you want answering.


Once again many thanks for your support, it is vitally important and correct you are totally comfortable with any organisation you choose to support so please do call me to discuss any queries you may have, no matter how small.


Many thanks


Paul Fennell

Founder & Trustee

Heroes On The Water UK




Update - Pleased to announce that following our supporters donations in August we have now reached the Charity Commission turnover target. We will be applying for registration ASAP but the Charity Commission quote a 12 week period from application to charity number allocation.  Once we have the number we will let everyone know.


Again many thanks to those that donated at the presentation,


Also had a session yesterday. One of our volunteers did a bit of filming......gives a good taste of what goes on.  An algae bloom made the fishing difficult with just one Perch making a proper appearance but it didn't matter........


Quote of the day from guest Royal Marine Martin Payne "this isn't just fishing, this is therapy"



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