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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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One of the problems with running a campsite is that we're completely grounded for the school holiday weeks, just when others are enjoying the summer bass season. Now that the kids are all back to school I got my fishing permit stamped for a day out yesterday, before the weather deteriorates at the weekend. Trouble is, everybody else is back at work! I tried to post a buddy request the day before, but sadly picked the one time when the PBSBAC forum was down :-(

Definite plan - catch bass. TIming, tide and weather all spot on. A mate of mine ha reported good bass coming off the Lyme Bay wrecks, so the objective was to try to improve my 4lb PB with a decent fish and, who knows, maybe a double.


Off on my own then. Early start and down to West Bay - too early in fact (still pitch black. Launched OK about 05:45, lifejacket and kill-cord fastened and on the first wreck by 06:30. Sonar looks promising. Feathers down while checking the drift pattern and had a couple of nice mackerel for livelies in no time. Lined-up for the first drift - OK here we go...


Half way over the rod tip goes down, felt the weight, checked - no not the wreck - fish on! 5 minutes later I see a huge great silver shape emerging-  BASS! Grabbed the net and then the leader - looks too big to fit in! Heart pumping as all the stories about double figure bass being lost at the side of the boat flash through my mind...


I needn't have worried. One deft scoop and my silver quarry was in the boat. Nicely hooked in the scissors with a 4/0 circle hook. Quick tap on the head and on to the scales at 12lb 4oz. Mission accomplished first drop!


Within 1/2hr I had company from a commercial bass boat (Cheetah cat) so I knew I'd chosen the wreck well, but perhaps the additional engine noise spooked our quarry - they had 2 smaller fish, but no more for me. Did a tour of another 1/2 doz wrecks without much success over the slack, just one dropped fish, but when the tide picked up again I hit another beauty - much more fight - charging all over the place and taking line every time it did. Massive excitement - how big can this be? Eventually it broke surface and was also safely scooped into the net. A lovely fat fish weighing just over 7lb. I wasn't disappointed in the slightest by that, it just shows that individual fish have different fighting qualities -the bigger one obviously just swam up towards the boat.


That was all for the silver bars, but I finished off with a couple of nice reef pollack and bream on the way home.


A good day out then (quite cold in the morning mist) and a specimen bass after many years trying. Inspired by Rob's exploits, sharking the target for next year then??

Seriously if anybody does fancy trips out West (usually at short notice!) mid-week, please PM me. 








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