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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Lots of information on this in the media, but the shipping and inshore forecasts (my trusted sites) bring this home,,,


Shipping Forecast

- Issued: 0405 UTC Sun 27 Oct

Wind Southwest 7 to severe gale 9, increasing vi

loent storm 11, perhaps hurricane force 12 later.

Sea State Rough or very rough, becoming high.

Weather Thundery showers, then rain.

Visibility Good, becoming poor.


Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis

Strong winds are forecast

For coastal areas up to 12 miles offshore from 1200 UTC Sun 27 Oct until 1200 UTC Mon 28 Oct

24 hour forecast: Wind Southwest 7 to severe gale 9, increasing storm 10 or violent storm 11 for a time.

Sea State Rough or very rough.

Weather Squally showers, rain for a time.

Visibility Moderate or good, becoming poor for a time.    


Will be interested in seeing wave height mid-channel, and will post actual data later...




Easy to belive once I got down to the Solent to put a chain on my swinging mooring.


Wind is really strong already, the boats are swinging violently all over the place, got concerned my inflatable dinghy might flip against the wind so waited for a lull before returning.


Think it going to be quite a night.




Before this storm hits, please do check on any particularly flimsy or light people in your area and make sure they're indoors/weighted down.


.....and after the storm, there's the propect of a little window on Weds.


Murky water and residual swell....will make bassing difficult !!


Anyone else going to wet a line?


Will you please stop talking about mid-week weather windows, it's bad enough havng to work without being reminded that I could be out fishing!


Hope everyone's boats survived the storm.  We had a steady 45 knots gusting to a max of 77 at Hurst this morning ....


If anyone needs to see what's happening with weather/sea state mid-channel, I use this site to view data from the Channel Light Vessel: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=62103


Looking at 9ish today, it showed sustained winds peaking over 50 knots with a wave height of over 20 feet, peaking at 04:00, with hourly plots going back about 1 day.


Copying and pasting doesn't format properly, but if you look today, you should get an idea about how it all built and comes down.


Definite food for thought, and maybe a site to check before any Alderney trips?




There was at least one boat ashore in Keyhaven river yesterday mooring plus a couple of yachts with their headsails blown out.  And a load of tress down in the Keyhaven, Brockenhurst area. 


These people that live miles inland don't know they're born :)

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