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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Bob Horne Memorial Flounder Comp - Sunday 8th December

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This coming Sunday is the Cubs Annual Flounder competition -


For those that can tear themselves away from the Christmas Shopping!


Their will be a Hamper awarded to the winner and 'festive' prizes given to everyone that weighs in a flounder.


The weigh in will be at Cobbs Quay - from 4.30 - 5.00 followed by the award giving for the Junior Specimen Competition held earlier this Summer 


Book in as usual - Kayaks welcome! 


1) Court Jester - Plus Crew TBA





I will need to see if I can get any crew that fancy a flounder bash [At least there is no need to top up my fuel tank]

I think Sam and I may give it a go.


Can you please remind me if there is a minimum size flounder for the weigh in, or is it just a case of trying to keep them alive until weighing.




Their will be a Hamper awarded to the winner and 'festive' prizes given to everyone that weighs in a flounder.


The weigh in will be at Cobbs Quay - from 4.30 - 5.00 followed by the award giving for the Junior Specimen Competition held earlier this Summer 


Book in as usual - Kayaks welcome! 


1) Court Jester - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3) kingfisher - Chris, Crew TBC



1) Court Jester  - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3)Kingfisher - Chris, Crew TBC

4) Serenity - Tony, Crew TBC

5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick

1) Court Jester  - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3)Kingfisher - Chris, Crew TBC

4) Serenity - Tony, Crew TBC

5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick

6) Warren -  Rich and Alun.


1) Court Jester  - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3)Kingfisher - Chris, Crew TBC

4) Serenity - Tony, Crew TBC

5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick

6) Warren -  Rich and Alun.

7) Valton -Malcolm -Tony -Andrew.


1) Court Jester - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3)Kingfisher - Chris, + Jim ( Tiddler ) + TBC

4) Serenity - Tony, Crew TBC

5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick

6) Warren - Rich and Alun.

7) Valton -Malcolm -Tony -Andrew.


1) Court Jester - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3)Kingfisher - Chris, + Jim ( Tiddler ) + TBC

4) Serenity - Tony, Peter

5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick

6) Warren - Rich and Alun.

7) Valton -Malcolm -Tony -Andrew.

1) Court Jester - Plus Crew TBA

2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam

3)Kingfisher - Chris, + Jim ( Tiddler ) + TBC

4) Serenity - Tony, Peter

5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick

6) Warren - Rich and Alun.

7) Valton -Malcolm -Tony -Andrew.

8) Moonlight Shadow - John, Njeri


Can someone let us know what the plan is regarding weather, prior to ordering enough bait to feed a lot of crabs


Is this one going ahead anyway as its in the harbour?


Hi Charlie


Spoken to Neil and we are both watching the weather, at the moment most sites show approx 14 - 16kts Westerly which if I recall is not too bad in the harbour.


Like most comps, weather is unpredictable at best and it it a bit early to make a call but I would suggest that unless it gets worse I would suggest it will be on but that's a call Neil & I will make a bit later but I am sure we will make it asap to help people getting bait.




Thanks for your reply ref the weather Dave,


Are we to presume that this comp will be fished to the usual rules regarding times, any 7 hours from 0600, but fish to be bought to scales at Cobbs between 1630 and 1700.


and that there is no minimum fish size or requirement to bring live fish to the scales.


One more question

Where are the fish going to be?? :P




Hi Charlie


Have just checked revised rules on the forum and you are right


I notice that you put these together for the AGM this year


best wishes



PS the fish will be where I am!!!!


1) Court Jester - Plus Crew TBA
2) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam
3)Kingfisher - Chris, + Jim ( Tiddler ) + TBC
4) Serenity - Tony, Peter + Dean
5) Wight Magic Dave ,Kev ,Jacob , Mick
6) Warren - Rich and Alun.
7) Valton -Malcolm -Tony -Andrew.
8) Moonlight Shadow - John, Njeri

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