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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I saw a tiny window of opportunity that coincided with HW this morning...all calm at home and live websites confirmed no wind, so set off into traffic at 8.


At the quay, 15mins later, am greeted with crashing waves and a nasty easterly wind kicking things up on the Bar .... Ughh !


Watched it for 15mins......and it was pretty consistent......so thought better of it and came back home [through more traffic!] for my coffee !


Hope for better luck tomorrow.......though that window has closed a bit [it could be a little morning session rather than the whole day].


Big tide !!.........water was surging up onto quay.




Fisheagle will be venturing out for a short trip on Saturday, mainly to blow the cobwebs away and to check every thing is OK after a few months ashore. Can't see any real fishing being done and will be keeping a sharp eye out for debris. Roll on some decent weather.  




Well we went out from 09:00 'til 11:30 and didn't get a bite, just a few crabs. It was a cracking morning to be out, harbour was like glass.  


So now sat on the beach at Evening Hill using up the worms. So far exactly the same results as this morning.

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Ran out of worms at 21:00 so packed up and came home. It was a smashing evening to be sat at Evening Hill.

Final score. 5 crabs and 1 flounder to Mark (about the same size as his hand).

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