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Hi, I'm new but from a few hundred miles away

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Hi Folks, Great to meet you all,


I'm Norman (norm) and I have a small boat in North Shields Marina on the river Tyne (Newcastle)


I came came across this site whilst looking for volvo service parts and Noticed this thread ...



In one of the posts from Cod Hauler he has a couple of Links to Ocqueteau and one describing his own boat written by a gent named David who was the previous Owner .....    what a beautifully small world it is, in the artical Dave mentions a friend of his in same marina whos had an ocqueteau 625 for a few years now ............  lol thats me, and the few years is now almost 15 as I initially purchased it in 1999.


You have a wonderful boat cod hauler (I mean Jamie), I know her well ........., and if anyone is interested my boat "Slinky Kate" is featured at my website (in my signature .....)


Thanks for having me, maybe we can swop north and south tactics sometime  :);)






:) :) :) oops since I see the name above my avatar is "minnow basher" I realise now it's not a post by cod hauler I've been reading it's by Jamie .... : apologies Jamie, I'll get there in the end :)






You're not the first from that neck of the woods Norm, We used to have a member from the Newcastle area, Reg, who I imagine is still a member although we don't see him very often.




Welcome Norm,

no prizes for guessing what fish you usually have with your chips.  ;)

Well Stuie,

If I remember the words correctly - - - - It's a little fishy on a little dishy, but only when the boat comes in !.


Welcome Norm. ;)


My mate at work is a Geordie, he used to work at Swan Hunter's years back.






Well what can I say , :) what a great welcome cheers lads.


Hopefully will manage a few catch reports shortly ........  cod cod cod :) whooo hoo   its nearly time to rumble ....




Hi Norm


Welcome to the best club on the South Coast


Had a look at your web site and like the article on how to find wrecks with a plotter & fish finder, great info.


Tight line




Thanks lads,

just a question? I tried to post a catch report in the catch report section (not a big catch believe me:) :) ) but it said too many images uploaded ? there were only 5 then I tried 4 then 3 but same error message. Is there a limit on images that can be put into threads ....? 


For reference here is a link to my local forum where I posted the initial catch report, I will show this here on this occasion but don't usually like to link to another site as I would prefer to report more personally on the site in question (if this makes sense) but anyway, here is the link for now .....




best regards all ......




Hi Norm, welcome to the club, I get out of Hartlepool several times a year just a few miles below where you are. Enjoy the club.


Checked the settings and you should be able to add up to 5 pics as long as under 500KB total.

Thanks paul, I'd not compressed them but they were added via a photobucket link, would that still have the size limit even though the storage (hosting) is at photobucket .......


i.e. test .....  normcod2_zps1ddba4a4.jpg






that worked fine :) ......   roll on the next catch report :) i'll compress if need be 





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