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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We all arrived at Southbourne around 7 and unloaded and trolleyed down to the beach.

Everyone signed my sheet , donated a fiver, and then took to the water. I contacted Portland Coastguard and informed them of our plans, around the same time as Chris arrived on Kingfisher as a support boat.

Xc had forecast 10 gusting 15 but it was a constant 20.

30 guys took part and although lots of species were caught, only 7 brought a fish to the measure station. I only needed 1to be caught for the day to be a Plaice Chase.

Chris was pro active visiting the competitors and dishing out warm food( sossie sarnie mmmm)




The weather saw myself landing around 12 and slowly and surely the Yakkers called it a day. All boats were off the water by 1.30




Paul from How


Martin from How( client)


The fish were measured on the Acme flatty ruler






The winner was Jason Stanbridge from Portsmouth

Last years winner Cam Clearie awarding the trophy



And Paul from How with the plaice chase tankard



A very happy winner with a very happy organiser






Thanks all who took part

We raised £187.50



There's always one, he was hoping for the biggie at the last minute, I think his name was Alex Furguson!!


Lofty can I have the black and white photo, would love to have it on office wall, give me a reason to look forward for time off!! :)


Well done looks like the comp can only grow!!


Pure Magic Steve.


Very well done on organising this. Glad it all went well.


Chris: well done on the safety boat duties, but going around with sausage sarnies . . . . . . . . You've earned a gold star ! :)


Sorry I couldn't have come over and watched.



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