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So today was a fun kids day out on JV.


A relaxed day was in order, so late start launching about midday.


We headed to swanage for some macs, then anchored out of the tide near Ballard and more macs. Got jim excited on Madness and we loaded a few when Martin popped over for a chat.


We then anchored out further for some rays, but the tide was whipping though and creating a less than calm sea. So we upped anchor and headed to Poole Patch.


Non stop kid entertaining action, pollack, wrasse of a couple of flavours, scad, macs, bass, pout, poor cod, bream, doggies etc!


One bass to Ruben was a beaut, that was kept no questions!


All the kids had fun and so did the parents!


Thanks to Ad & Rach!














Nice big fat ragworm from Bournemouth Fishing Lodge and we used them all!


I don't remember the last time I ran out of ragworm.


I took this and a few more Adam.

I'll get them on a disk for you.



Once again, thanks for a great day out. Fantastic boat. quite a few fish and you're not bad company too ( for an old fella ) :P


My legs are sore today from kneeling down and cleaning all them fish out. :)







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